Room 23 January 27, 2017 Language Arts Word Study Important Dates:’ This week we continued with our theme “Dressing for the Weather.” We re-read the story, How Should I Dress? and had discussions about the appropriate dress for different seasons. We also read and sang the poem Over the River and used our fix-up strategy to read unknown words. We learned three new vocabulary words: temperature, normal, select We also learned and practiced writing possessive nouns. For example, students looked at a picture and wrote a sentence with a possessive noun in it such as “The boy’s flowers.” Word Study This week we learned about the vowel teams /ai/ and /-ay/. We learned that both vowel teams say the long a sound in words, but /ai/ is always found in the middle of a word and /-ay/ is always found at the end. We practiced adding and taking away letters to form new words with vowel teams We added new words to our word wall. Please practice these at home. They are: rain, play, say, Mr., Mrs. Important Dates:’ February 1st: Rainforest Animal research paper due (& tracer if choosing to make own) Animal decorating materials due – Please refer to yellow sheet attached to rainforest animal project February 3rd: Rainforest Day! (volunteers 9-11am) Devon Spirit Day! February 14th: Valentine’s Day Party @2:30-3:10pm Reminders Weekly reports to be signed and returned Monday. **Please make sure your child is reading at least 10-15 minutes every night, or at least some nights(!), either independently or with an adult! Miss Alaina Seygal Email Address: 1st Grade Devon Elementary School Phone Number: (610)-240-2455
Alternates for the week: Writing We reviewed what an opinion was and students wrote a friendly letter to someone of their choosing trying to persuade them why they think something is the best. For example, some students wrote about why we should have more recess, why we should have school in the summer, why their favorite ice cream flavor is the best, etc. Science This week we learned about erosion and how it’s affecting the rainforests. We also read a rainforest book that had alliteration in it. Students picked their own rainforest animal to write an alliteration sentence with. For example, “The green gorilla gave green grapes to his great grandmother.” Ask your child what he/she wrote about and to give you their own example! Don’t forget, next Friday is Rainforest Day! Students need to turn in their research project and any supplies they’d like to use to decorate their animal with by Wednesday, February 1st! Math We started chapter 9: Length. In this chapter students will learn to compare two things, compare more than two things, use a start line, measure things with standard and nonstandard units of measurement, and to find lengths in units. This week, students measured items of their choosing found in the room with cubes and craft sticks. We compared items using the terms tall, taller, tallest; short, shorter, shortest; and long, longer, longest. For extra practice, have your child measure and compare the lengths of items found in your house with nonstandard units of measurement, such as paperclips or pencils! Lunch Menu Next Week Monday: Pizza Dippers Tuesday: BBQ Chicken Wednesday: French Toast w/ sausage patty Thursday: Baked Ziti w/ meat sauce Friday: 5” Round Pizza Alternates for the week: B) Chicken Patty C) PBJ D) Yogurt Bites E) Taco Salad