Building A Contemporary Workforce AESA 2016
What challenges do we face?
Balancing Empowermen t & Compliance Diversity of Talent & Thought Career Development
Balancing Empowerment & Compliance Draw the continuum. Put current projects on the continuum. Reflect.
Diversity of Talent & Thought
Diverse teams perform better, but feel worse. ~Neuroscience Leadership Institute
Career Development Deloitte is one example of an organization that prioritizes learning and growth over titles and recognition.
Internal transfers are 270% less likely to earn the lowest rating in a new job. ~Wharton People Analytics
Autonomy, Mastery, & Purpose
How might we… build a contemporary workforce? 9:45am: Schedule Building 10:15am: BREAK 10:30am: Session 1 11:30am: Quick Recap & PM Preview Noon: Lunch 1:00pm: Session 2 2:00pm: Stand & Share 2:15pm: Workforce Pro Tips 2:45pm: Final Debrief & Closing Our Agenda How might we… build a contemporary workforce?
Themes from Yesterday culture 13 millennials 12 work purpose 10 Word Frequency culture 13 millennials 12 work purpose 10 employees 9 diversity 8 pd 7 autonomy staff feedback 6
Our Session Board Session 1: 10:30am-11:30am Table 1 & 9 & 11: HMW emphasize lattice pathways? Table 2 & 10: HMW pinpoint unconscious bias in hiring? Table 3: HMW formalize a mentorship program? Table 4: HMW engage millenials differently? Table 5: HMW bring board members along? Table 6 & 12: HMW create systems for autonomy/mastery/purpose? Table 7: HMW create a culture that supports diversity? Table 8: HMW attend to the culture while becoming more diverse? Session 2: 1:00pm-2:00pm Table 1: HMW formalize a leadership development program? Table 2: HMW create a culture of innovation & sustainability? Table 3: HMW increase autonomy in the interest of necessary outcomes? Table 4: HMW emphasize lattice pathways? Table 5: HMW build more diverse teams? Table 6: HMW prioritize growth over recognition? Table 7: HMW retain a diverse staff?
Stand and Share Complete the paper at your table. Choose a notetaker to visit the URL and type in your ideas on the correct slide.
Closing Templates and slides available at: