POSITIVE COACHING SCOTLAND LEARNING IN A MASTERY ENVIRONMENT Learning is at the centre of any coaching philosophy, to be successful, the athlete should be at the centre of this learning. Athlete-centred learning uses methods of coaching that shift the focus of instruction from the coach to the athlete, aiming to develop learner autonomy and independence by putting responsibility for learning in the athlete’s hands. Athlete-centred coaching focuses on skills and practices that enable lifelong learning and independent problem-solving. Athlete-centred learning puts athletes interests first, acknowledging the athlete as being central to the learning experience where they choose what they will learn along with how they learn. This contrasts with traditional coaching methods which puts the coach as the primarily ‘active’ role while athletes take a more ‘passive’, receptive role. In a coach-centred environment, coaches choose what the players will learn and how they learn. KEY ELEMENTS IN A POSITIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Athlete-led learning Individual to each person Personal best Marginal gains