Programme Lead – Wellbeing Our Way, National Voices @nataliekoussa @NVTweeting #WOWhealth
Wellbeing Our Way’s 5 Priorities Peer support Person-centred information and helplines Engaging people in shaping health and care support Care and support planning Supporting self-management
Our Vision: All people with ongoing mental and physical health needs have as much independence, optimism and control as possible, at all stages of their life. Capacity building: Knowledge, skills, confidence and motivation Telling Our Story Building strong and weak ties Evaluation: What’s working? What can we do better? Communities of Practice Events Shared Purpose: Model of Impact, Theory of Change
What we’ve learnt… Shared purpose Intrinsic motivation: - autonomy, mastery, purpose Take time to get the basics right - Steering group, reward & recognition Clear vision, flexible methods - Some stuff won’t work, and that’s OK! Strong and weak ties Evaluation
Keep in touch: @nataliekoussa @NVTweeting #WOWhealth