Branching Simulation Designs for Virtual Patients 4/22/2018 Branching Simulation Designs for Virtual Patients Kira King, PhD Decision Simulation Rosalyn P. Scott, MD, MSHA Dayton Veterans Affairs Medical Center Wright State University Mary Davidson, MSN APRN CHPN Veterans Affairs Healthcare System of Ohio Edward Bope, MD Chief of Primary Care/Palliative Care Physician Columbus Veterans Affairs Ambulatory Care Center © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Alternate Learning Paths Personalized Feedback Types of Branching Alternate Learning Paths Gaming Personalized Feedback
Branching: Examples & Non-Examples Concept: Triangle Conceptual knowledge “kinds of” Explore examples of what is and what is not the concept Reflection highlights the distinguishing criteria of the concept Works with a variety of media Decision Reflection Reflection Example: Non-Example: Triangle Circle (Merrill, 2009)
Branching: Delayed Consequences Demonstrates the consequences as the simulation flashes forward Drama supports engagement and retention Promotes insightful learning Provides autonomy Decision Consequences Consequences Reflection Reflection
Branching: Second Chance Decision Provides preliminary results of decisions Go back and add choices for a better outcome Models problem solving approach Encourages self-reflection Initial Results Initial Results Initial Results Poor Outcome Optimal Outcome Sub-Optimal Outcome
Branching: Interrupter Patient Interview Interrupt learners if they make a dangerous decision Create an alternate path or remediate via a mentor Models the real world Uses drama to portray dire consequences Patient Deteriorates Order Lab Tests Stabilize Patient Results Too Many Essential Questions Questions Only
Branching: Personalized Feedback Decision Assesses learners Provides a second chance with support Remediates learners who select both optimal and sub-optimal choices Ensures mastery Allows skilled learners to advance quickly Try Again w/Hints Mastery Remediation Continue
Branching: Personalized Feedback Remediation: You identified the 3 clinically significant findings. However, you also selected symptoms that are not clinically significant: rigidity, mood swings and difficulty sleeping.
Branching: Gaming Earn points High scorers progress to harder challenges Lower scorers can repeat Level 1 Motivates learners Mastery learning Challenge 4 Challenge 5 Challenge 6 Level Two Score Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Level One
Branching: Gaming 10
Branching: Gaming 11
Types of Branching Branching Type Purpose Matched Examples & Non-Examples Teaches concepts by showing what is and what is not the concept Delayed Consequences Promotes insight, provides autonomy, creates drama to support learning Second Chance Models problem solving by doubling back to search for solutions Interrupter Redirects learners who make egregious choices to demonstrate dire consequences Personalized Feedback Ensures mastery by tailoring feedback to learner’s comprehension level Gaming Provides motivating challenges and ensures mastery