Science Fair Work Day Important Rules: YOU MAY ONLY LEAVE TO GET/RETURN YOUR POSTER BOARD! With teacher’s permission, you may work with your partner on the board in a designated classroom (your 4th period or your partner’s 4th period) CURRENT ITEMS TO WORK ON - Poster Board - Practice your presentation – make note cards, time yourselves. PAST DUE ITEMS TO DO ASAP! - Products 1 & 2 - Written Report
Science Fair IMPORTANT DUE DATES 3/17 – Student will have decided on their topic and partner (if any) 3/24 – Product #1 – Rough Draft DUE – Including Purpose through procedure on the written report. 3/31 – Product #1 – FINAL DRAFT DUE! 4/7 – Product #2 – Rough Draft DUE! 4/13 – Product #2- FINAL DRAFT DUE! 4/21 – Formal Conclusion/Reflection DUE! – buy & bring poster board by this date!) 4/28 – Science Fair Poster DUE! (EVERYTHING SHOULD BE DONE BY THIS DATE!) Practice for your presentations on Monday and Tuesday (5/1 & 5/2) 5/1-5/2 – In class Science Fair Presentations 5/3 – SCIENCE FAIR!
My conclusion paragraph goes here Big Idea: Title: Name(s): Conclusion Background Research My conclusion paragraph goes here Big Idea: Situation: Goal: Role: Audience: My background research paragraph goes here Essential Questions Question 1: Answer Question 2: Question 3: Pictures, screen shots, or physical product #1 displayed here: Pictures, screen shots, or physical product #4 displayed here: Pictures, screen shots, or physical product #2 displayed here: Pictures, screen shots, or physical product #3 displayed here: Citations:
Grading Rubric for completed poster board 4 In addition to a 3: The information displayed on your poster and in person, appears to be exceptionally well-written and presented. You appear to be an expert in your topic. 3 You have included ALL aspects of the written report on your poster. The information you are presenting is correct. ALL the products are included on/around your poster Everything is neatly organized and displayed. It is visually appealing. 2 Some parts of the written report are missing/incomplete/inaccurate Your poster is not neat and organized You still seem unsure about some of the information included in your topic 1 The majority of your written report is missing/incomplete/inaccurate You cannot explain the majority of information in your topic
Grading Rubric for Oral Presentation 4 In addition to a 3, you thoroughly appear to embody your “role” and appear to be an expert in your topic. 3 Presentation is between 3-5 minutes Your voice level is a 3 & you maintain eye contact with the class (brief note cards are allowed) You clearly state your: Role Goal Audience Situation Essential questions & answers You clearly show & explain EACH product. You state what they are AND how they helped you achieve your goal. 2 Some of the above information is missing/incomplete/inaccurate. You have a voice level less than 3 & read off your board/notecards. 1 Most of the above information is missing/incomplete/inaccurate. You have a voice level less than 3 & completely read off your board/notecards.
Introduction - Goal: My project goal was __________________________. My first product was ______________. To make this product I ______________________. This product helped me to meet by goal by __________________. My second product was ______________. To make this product I ______________________. This product helped me to meet my goal by ___________________________. (add product 3 &4 if you had a partner!) First body paragraph – Evidence: Next, I was successful in meeting my goal because __________________. For example, (put in piece of evidence here)___________. Another example that proved I was successful was, ___________________. Ultimately, I know I was successful in meeting my goal because ________________. Second body paragraph – STEM: Finally, The science I learned by doing this project was ________________. For example ___________. The technology I learned by doing this project was ________________. For example ___________. The engineering I learned by doing this project was ________________. For example ___________. The math I learned by doing this project was ________________. For example ___________. Conclusion- Lesson: Overall, I think _______ went well on this project and if I could re-do the project I would improve on ______________. In addition, I learned ____________________ from doing this project. (if you had a partner, add what they learned)