GET Swag!! Students with academic growth Created by: Nicole Meador
How do we achieve academic excellence in our classrooms? Researchers rank-ordered 28 factors that govern student learning. This was based on a review of 50 years of research on student learning, encompassing 11,000 statistical findings. The number one factor governing student learning is classroom management. What the teacher does in the classroom to structure and organize a learning environment is the most important factor that will increase student achievement. Harry Wong Effective teaching requires considerable skill in managing the myriad of tasks and situations that occur in the classroom each day. Skills such as classroom management are central to teaching and require consistency, a sense of fairness, and courage. Dr. Bob Kizlik Academic achievement, teacher efficacy, and teacher and student behavior are directly linked with the concept of school and classroom management. L.A. Froyen and A.M. Iverson
First things first……Communicate! Communication is key to achieving the success that you want in your classroom. Communicate your expectations to your students and your parents. Your classroom management procedures and expectations should be sent home prior to the first day of school if possible. Do not develop classroom rules you are not willing to enforce. Communicate these as much as needed. Refer to them often. Expectations should be in place for every type of routine, procedure, activity, and events that take place in the classroom. Conferences are very effective in communicating the child’s academic achievement as well as behaviors and personal matters you may notice with the child. These “touch base” conferences allow the teacher to have a more personal relationship with each family that allows them to feel more comfortable with the school and their child’s educational experience.
Routines and Procedures You’ve always heard….practice makes perfect! Practice your procedures during the beginning of the school year and throughout the year when needed. You should have a routine for almost everything! coming to the floor coming to guided reading/guided math groups lining up going to the bathroom speaking/discussion sharpening pencils centers jobs in the classroom (line leader, door holder, caboose, floor helper, trash mover, soaper, P.E. helper, paper passers, special helper, note taker) fire drills morning procedures (calendar, announcements) morning work routines lunch protocols dismissal procdures
Behavior Chart Behavior chart…..not discipline chart Your classroom management plan should be consistent and allow for praise…not just consequences. The chart should allow students to be involved with their own choices (positive or negative). You should always enforce the rules but never forget about the behaviors that you are striving for. Praise children often. Some may need it more than others. Students should be responsible for the chart….not the teacher. Communication home to parents is essential in order to establish a more personal connection from school to home. Parents want and need to know about their child’s behavior. Individual behavior plans can be made if needed. In these rare circumstances, I usually provide a behavior plan for the home as well and communicate daily with parents for these particular students.
What can you do for your whole class to promote positive discipline? There are many whole class ideas in order to achieve the environment you want. Many teachers do compliments, “paws”, “hoots”, or any other whole class positive praise award. These usually are accumulated over time and then the class receives an award when they have so many of them. My magic number is 10. My class has to receive 10 compliments from other teachers in the hallway, at specials, assembly, or any where in the building that they are demonstrating the correct behaviors. These have to be whole group compliments and they can not come from me. The rewards are usually things like ice cream treats, popcorn and candy, extra recess time, dance party time…… The students can potentially lose compliments from a negative statement by a teacher in the hallway, specials, or anywhere else in the building.
IT’s all about relationships Throughout my entire day, I try to reach out to each and every one of my students by some type of compliment or positive statement. I want each of my students to know that they are loved. In order for you to achieve your goals as a teacher academically and achieve appropriate behavior, your students have to know that you care for them. Relationships in a classroom are huge to building a “family like” atmosphere and a “trusting” environment so that the students know that they can be heard in this community of learners. In this type of classroom, there is no need for yelling. Positive interactions always…even with negative behaviors.
Are you going to have swag in 2013?? Communicate Routines/Procedures Behavior Plan (Individual and Whole Group) Relationship Building Come get your Bling!!!