TTIPS Model Overview
Federal Program TTIPS grant is the Texas implementation of the Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, School Improvement Grants (SIG) Federal program purpose: SIG funds under section 1003(g) of the ESEA are used to improve student achievement in Title I schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring so as to enable those schools to make adequate yearly progress and exit improvement status. Federal program goal: The SIG program provides grants to support rigorous interventions aimed at turning around our Nation’s persistently lowest achieving schools.
SIG Requirements All SIG projects must be “whole-school reform” SIG requirements define whole-school reform as a strategy that is designed to: Improve student academic achievement/attainment Be implemented for all students in the school Provide student non-academic support Provide family and community engagement Address, at a minimum, and in a comprehensive and coordinated manner: School leadership Teaching and learning in at least one core content area Include professional learning for educators
Cycle 3 For the Cycle 3 TTIPS Grant, campuses were allowed to choose from 4 Models: Restart, Closure, Turnaround, and Transformation. 16 total campuses were awarded (1 campus has closed) 15 campuses chose to implement the Transformation Model (14 remain) 1 campus chose to implement the Turnaround Model
Cycle 4 3 new Models were added for Cycle 4, giving the campuses 7 Models to choose from: Transformation, Turnaround, Restart, Closure, Whole-School Reform, State Design Model (Early College High School), and Early Learning Intervention. 5 total campuses were awarded 2 campuses chose to implement the State Design Model (ECHS) 3 campuses chose to implement the Early Learning Intervention Model
Cycle 5 The Models for Cycle 5 were carried over from Cycle 4: Transformation, Turnaround, Restart, Closure, Whole-School Reform, State Design Model (ECHS), and Early Learning Intervention. 18 total campuses were awarded 4 campuses chose to implement the Transformation Model (1 campus will implement this Model using the Rural Exception) 1 campus chose to implement the Whole-School Reform Model 4 campuses chose to implement the State Design Model (ECHS) 9 campuses chose to implement the Early Learning Intervention Model
Closure One-year grant Covers reasonable and necessary closing costs Moves students to higher-achieving schools within the LEA A higher-achieving school within the LEA must exist in order for this to be an option
Restart The LEA closes a school and re-opens under new management New management may be: a Charter school operator, Charter Management Organization, or Education Management Organization New management is chosen through rigorous review
Turnaround Dramatic and comprehensive intervention Produces significant gains within two years Prepares school for transformation
Transformation Focused on building capacity and changing school culture Provides operational flexibility to schools Improves instruction through PD Increases teacher and leadership effectiveness Creates community-oriented schools
Whole-School Reform LEA partners with a model developer Implemented for all students Targets: school leadership, at least one academic content area, non-academic supports for students, and family/community engagement
State-Design Model (ECHS) Consistent with the Texas concept of developing a fully operational ECHS ECHS must be fully operational by the second year of TTIPS Comprehensive improvement strategy
Early Learning Must address each of the transformation model Offers full day kindergarten and pre- kindergarten Meets the requirements of a high- quality preschool program of the USDE Preschool Development Grants program
In your pre-implementation… Where do each of the requirements appear? Where can you demonstrate real work? (for items not currently being implemented) Work in groups to identify the requirements, using your approved grant. Pre-Kindergarten Guidelines: