World Health Organization 22 April, 2018 Besancon, 28 March 2014 On track for 2020? Towards the WHO roadmap's targets for neglected tropical diseases Dr Bernadette Abela-Ridder Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases World Health Organization, Geneva
Common features of Neglected Tropical Diseases A proxy for poverty and disadvantage Affect populations with low visibility and little political voice Do not travel widely Cause stigma and discrimination, especially of girls and women Have an important impact on morbidity and mortality Common features Are relatively neglected by research Can be controlled, prevented and possibly eliminated using effective and feasible solutions Ethical duty
17 Neglected Tropical Diseases World Health Organization 22 April, 2018 17 Neglected Tropical Diseases Innovative & intensified case management Veterinary management Preventive chemotherapy Integrated vector management Water and environmental sanitation Behavioural change education Helminth Infections Soil-transmitted helminth infections Ascariasis-Trichuriasis-Hookworm Lymphatic filariasis Onchocerciasis Schistosomiasis Dracunculiasis (guinea-worm disease) Cysticercosis Echinococcosis Foodborne trematodes infections Protozoan Infections Leishmaniasis Human African trypanosomiasis Chagas disease Bacterial Infections Leprosy Trachoma Buruli ulcer Endemic treponematoses Viral Infections Dengue Rabies 3
Intensified control targets World Health Organization 22 April, 2018 Intensified control targets Intensified control Targets and milestones by 2015 Targets and milestones by 2020 Echinococcosis/ Hydatidosis Pilot projects in selected countries Validated strategy available and interventions scaled up in selected countries Note: Purpose of the roadmap: To provide guidance and technical insight to policy makers and programme managers in endemic countries To encourage the community of partners, including donors, pharmaceutical companies, agencies, nongovernmental organizations, philanthropists and universities, to maintain and expand their commitments to overcoming neglected tropical diseases How it was developed: Goals for elimination and eradication were set in line with previous World Health Assembly and Regional Committee resolutions as summarized in the first NTD report (October 2010) Targets and milestones for elimination were established in consultation with Member States, WHO regional and country offices, national programme managers and various partners The roadmap was discussed by the WHO STAG-NTD in April 2011 and finalized thereafter
Working group under WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group (STAG)-NTD Echinococcosis Complete control manual (Phil Craig) Systematic review of evidence for early case detection and management (to present at STAG 2015?) Generic SOP for diagnosis and treatment in low resource settings (September2014?) Assemble the investment case for echinococcosis Train and equip identified peripheral health care centres for early detection and management Select countries: (Mongolia, ….) initiate baseline mapping, design country adapted control and case management strategy and implement > provide as deliverables of IWGE to STAG-NTD
You are the experts You build the network How do we get from where we are, despite resource constraints to where we want to go Provide countries with strategy for intensified control that is fit for purpose and customizable in selected countries by 2020
World Health Day 7 April 2014