Kathy Giannangelo, Map Lead MST 2015 Quality Report Kathy Giannangelo, Map Lead
Three Target Areas Improve the quality of the source terminology (SNOMED CT) and the target classification (ICD-10) Correct any map errors identified by MST’s review and through member feedback Fine-tune mapping guidance through collaboration
Improve the Quality of the Source Terminology (SNOMED CT) New Trello Team meeting discussions Existing SIRS Retire concepts because they are non-human, ambiguous, or incorrectly modeled Change FSN to synonym Retire synonym Add synonyms Add new concepts Retire description Change descriptions
Improve the Quality of the Target Classification (ICD-10) Requests logged into the WHO ICD-10 Update Platform Change existing Index entry and code assignment for Phencyclidine in the Table of Drugs and Chemicals Correct of an inclusion term under M86.9, Osteomyelitis, unspecified Re-classify Antiphospholipid syndrome
Outcome SNOMED CT quality issues were resolved ICD-10 Two were approved and implemented in ICD-10 2016 One discussed and further clarification requested
Correct Any Map Errors Identified by MST Identified through feedback Guests viewing the maps Members reviewing the maps or performing map comparisons
Outcome Corrected maps published Freshdesk tickets resolved within IHTSDO response time requirements
Fine-tune Mapping Guidance Through Collaboration UK Clinical Classification Service and IHTSDO joint working relationship Production of maps Regular communication Sharing of documentation Monitoring the quality of the maps between map specialists Mapping SIG Provided advice Other and unspecified Rare diseases and syndromes
Outcome Education sessions provided at Mapping SIG and IHTSDO SNOMED CT Expo Existing mapping principles revised and new ones developed Ensured production of high quality maps between SNOMED CT and ICD-10
MST 2016 QA Same three target areas as 2015 Improve the quality of the terminologies Review of LOINC to SNOMED CT linkage files Correct any map errors MST identified UK comparison Freshdesk tickets Fine-tune mapping guidance Capitalize on available tooling Map tooling search mechanism to create batches of concepts requiring review Create Mapping QA Content Tracker in Confluence/JIRA Use the Content Tracker to watch issues in need of possible map QA