Applying UNESCO media development indicators in Croatia Zrinjka Peruško Centre for Media and Communication Research (CIM), Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb IPDC Intergovernmental Council, 24-26 March 2010, UNESCO, Paris
The Croatian Study UNESCO Indicators – analytical categories & normative benchmarks - method for the analysis of the media system Aims: Comprehensive map of the media system Identification of the missing data Regular system of monitoring (planed) Longitudinal approach (advancement) Comparativeness (planed)
implementation Centre for Media and Communication Research (CIM), Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb each MDI category one researcher: Data collection, analysis, recommendations
Implementation process: actors Multi-stakeholder involvement: media professionals policy makers regulatory bodies academia civil society
Implementation process: activities Multi-step process of analysis, presentation and discussion of MDI categories, data, results and dissemination Kick-off meeting Data collection and analysis Closing conference – presentation of results & public debate of findings and recommendations Dissemination: web, book
Strong points of MDI’s Self-implemental – ownership of process Categories define the media system well Normative definition of targets & benchmarks of media development – pluralism and diversity Operationalization of categories with indicators: Detailed guide to analysis lower level should describe higher level
I freedom, II concentration and pluralism, III democratic discourse, IV journalistic profession, V technological infrastructure I (System of regulation conducive to freedom of epression, pluralism and diversity in the media) B – Regulatory system for broadcasting, 1.6. Independence of the regulatory system is guaranteed by law and respected in practice; 1.7. regulatory system works to ensure media pluralism and freedom of expression and information. II Pllurality and diversity of media, a level economic playing field and transparency of ownhership; B A diverse mix of public, private and community media, 2.4. independent and transparent regulatory system, C licensing and spectrum allocation 2.8. independent and transparent regulatory system
A proposal for development Review level 4 of MDI’s & remove some overlap between categories Include quantitative data to describe the media system, for instance: no. of different media audiences & circulation levels of media concentration size of the advertising market penetration of media platforms literacy levels