6832 –09 Oxy- Fuels Welding and Cutting
15 psi The maximum pressure for acetylene gas is ________ psi
Friction lighter The best tool for lighting the torch is a _____________.
Soapy water The proper procedure to check for leaks is to use _________ ________.
5 feet When not in use the acetylene and oxygen tank should be separated by a ____ foot wall
20 feet If not separated by a 5 foot wall the tanks should be at least ____ feet apart.
5 The most common tip for oxy-acetylene welding is a number _______
Neutral What kind of flame is best for welding, cutting and heating?
Red High carbon steel should be preheated to a _____ color before welding.
Not quite touch The white cone should be how far from the metal when welding?
Tip movement The width of the puddle is determine by the ______ __________.
Chained and Upright When transporting tanks, they should be ___________ and ___________.
Butt Two pieces of metal lying flat end to end is call a _______ weld
Lap weld A weld joint where two pieces of metal overlap is called a______ weld
Corner Weld A weld joint where two pieces make a 90 degree is called a tee weld or a _______ weld
Edge weld A ________ weld is when two pieces of metal are stacked on top of one another.
Fillet weld A ________ weld is when two pieces of metal form an angle such as a Tee Weld or a Corner Weld.
Same thickness The filler rod should be the _______ size (diameter) as the metal being welded.
Beveled Thick metal should be __________ before welded.
Tacked Pipe should be ________ on two sides before welding.
Fixed and rolled Two methods of pipe welding are _______ and _______.
Puddle The weld ______ is harder to control on out of position welds.
Bottom Up When welding vertical with the oxy-acetylene unit you should weld from the________ _______
Metal Container A ________ _________ should be used to catch the hot metal after cutting.
1/8 inch The inner cone should be ______ inches from the metal when cutting with the torch.
Square, curved When cutting with the torch, the top edge of the metal should be ______ and the drag line will be slightly _______
Drill a hole When cutting a hole in the center of a piece of metal it is a good idea to do what first?
When cutting a hole in metal, first drill a______ inch pilot hole. ¼ inch hole When cutting a hole in metal, first drill a______ inch pilot hole.
90 degrees When cutting metal, you should hold the torch at a _______ angle.
___________ and __________ does not melt the metal. Soldering or brazing ___________ and __________ does not melt the metal.
Brazing __________ uses a non ferrrous filler rod such as a bronze rod.
Brazing __________ uses a neutral flame that is above 800 degrees but is below the melting point of the metal.
Soldering ______________ uses solder
Flux When soldering always use a______ to help remove sulfides, oxides and nitrates
Sweating Soldering a copper fitting is also called _______ a joint
Soldering gun A propane torch, a soldering iron or a __________ __________ can be used to solder.
Heated Metal thicker than 3/8 inches should be ________ before being bent.
Cherry Red Metal should be heated to what color before bent?
Hardening ___________ metal makes it more brittle and gives it more strength.
OIL or Water When hardening metal, heat to cherry red then plunge into _______ or ________.
Tempering _____________ is done to reduce brittleness
Quenching To cool metal quickly in water is called ____________.
Crack Quenching too soon can cause some metal to shatter and ________.
Soft Quenching too late will cause the metal to be too _______
Annealing _______________ is the process of heating metal and cooling it slowly.
Hardening or Tempering Annealing metal reverses the process of _________ or __________.
Sand or Vermiculite Metal can be cooled slowly by placed it in a container of _________ or _______.
Changes When metal is heated and or cooled, it _____________ its characteristics.