Introduction to Soldering Peeuuu! Cool HOT Nick Carter 4/28/2016
ONLY TOUCH or HOLD THIS PART Safety Rules ALWAYS wear SAFETY GOGGLES Soldering Iron CAN BURN YOU BADLY Soldering iron CAN BURN YOUR CLOTHES Soldering iron - in the HAND or in the STAND PUT it back in the STAND when not soldering 200 degrees F 400 degrees F Cool HOT VERY HOT MELTS METAL ONLY TOUCH or HOLD THIS PART Hot like boiling water OW! OW!
Solder and the Joint (and important words) Solder is a metal mixture, mostly tin, that melts at 350 - 400 deg F, (like your kitchen oven on MAX.) Parts connected by solder are JOINED together. It is a Solder joint. They are joined in 2 ways: Solder makes a MECHANICAL CONNECTION fastening parts together – used for electrical circuits, copper pipes and jewelry Solder makes an ELECTRICAL CONNECTION between the parts - used for electrical circuits To make a good joint, the solder needs to stick to the parts (wet the parts). Wetting is also called “tinning”. It is good to have parts tinned and silvery before soldering. The iron tip needs to be hot, clean and silvery The parts need to be clean so solder will stick to them The parts need to be hot before applying solder Solder contains a chemical – FLUX - that cleans the parts. It makes the smoke you will see. Do not breath this Peeuuu!
Soldering is Joining Things Together We make a solder joint like this Mechanically join the parts or hold them together. They should not move while solder cools. Heat both parts with the soldering iron. 3 to 5 seconds depending on size of wires Too much heat can damage components If the component has more than 2 leads, after 1, go solder a different component and come back so that the component does not overheat Poke the solder wire onto the hot joint and it will melt and wet the parts we want to join (keep the iron on the joint) Add solder wire until parts are wetted and holes are filled. Take the iron and solder wire off the parts so they can cool (Solder first, or it may stick to the joint) Let the parts cool before moving them. A good solder joint will be shiny. If it looks grainy, melt it and let it cool again.
Soldering Wires – Looks Like This 2. Heat both parts with Iron 3. Wait until parts are hot (2- 3 seconds) Cool HOT Alternative wire twist Peeuuu! 3. Push Solder into joint 4. Solder wets both parts 1. Fasten wires together – twist or wrap 5. Take away solder and iron and let joint cool Safety Note: Ideally we put insulation on the joints if they are somewhere they can touch another circuit part. We can wrap them with insulating tape or use a heat shrinkable plastic tube, or an insulating barrier.
Make the Battery Wiring Harness 5 1 Battery Holder + 3 Volts Battery Holder 2 AAA or AA 2 -- 1 Put shrink tubing over battery holder wires Strip end ½ inch insulation off socketed jumper wires and tin the bare wire Twist jumper wire bare end and battery holder wire bare end together Solder twisted wires (heat then melt solder on it) for each battery wire Move the sleeving over the soldered joint and shrink it with hot air gun. Battery Holder 2 AAA or AA + 3 Volts -- Reusable Power Module Safety note: Connecting the battery this way with pins on the circuit and not on the battery leads protects from connecting the battery by accident
Make the LED Circuit 1.Strip ½ insulation off pin jumper leads 2. Tin the bared ends of the jumper leads 100 + LED 1, 2 1, 2 Longer 3, 4, 5 3. Twist ends of wires to be joined together (You can do tasks 3,4,5 for each joint separately) 4. Solder the joint – heat (count 3-5 seconds), apply solder. 5. Let the joints cool and check the solder looks shiny and the joint is solid
Light your LED!! Put Batteries in the holder Plug in jumper wires to light the LED Battery Holder + 3 Volts Battery Holder 2 AAA -- + LED 100