GETTING to LEARN It’s a good idea to create a bookmark for the Learn log-in page. Simply click on “Bookmarks” and “Bookmark This Page.”
GETTING to LEARN You’ll be taken to the log-in page. Merely type in your Username & Password; then click the “Login” button.
GETTING to LEARN Next you’ll see all the courses for which you have Learn sites. Search for and then click on the English section you registered for. PLEASE NOTE: I’ve been noticing that this page takes a few moments to load, so don’t panic (or lose patience).
You made it! Hopefully, this is what your Home Page looks like. HOME PAGE: Screenshot You made it! Hopefully, this is what your Home Page looks like.
HOME PAGE: Screenshot 7 You can navigate back to this COURSE CONTENT page (the course home page) from any link by (1) clicking on “Course Content” in the “bread crumbs” or (2) clicking on “Course Content” located on the Course Tools (Course Menu) bar; a “home” icon is next to it.
HOME PAGE: Course Tools 8 COURSE TOOLS (aka, “Course Menu”) COURSE CONTENT = “Homepage” ANNOUNCEMENTS = Reminders, Notes ASSESSMENTS = Quizzes, Tests ASSIGNMENTS = Essays CALENDAR = Due Dates only CALENDAR = *Different from “Schedule” DISCUSSIONS = Discussion Groups MAIL = Email Link WEB LINKS = External Sites (LBE, MLA 2010)
HOME PAGE: Pages 9 These pages, explained below, are links to various pages of course material.
As you can imagine, you’ll START HERE. PAGES: Week #1 10 As you can imagine, you’ll START HERE.
Begin with the 2 orientations. WEEK #1 This page includes the orientations to the site AND to week #1 –in both PDF and PowerPoint formats. The “Week #1 Orientation” explains the material on the following slide. Begin with the 2 orientations.
Also included on this page are WEEK #1 Also included on this page are the Welcome Statement, Syllabus the Class Rules, Class Schedule the Academic Honesty Policy the Academic Honesty Policy Quiz the Discussions Groups documents and the Essay Basics material
HOME PAGE: Navigation You can navigate back to the Home Page from this link by (1) clicking on “Course Content” or (2) clicking on “Course Content” located on the Course Tools (Course Menu) bar; a “home” icon is next to it.
The next page contains our course documents. PAGES: Course Docs 14 The next page contains our course documents.
COURSE DOCUMENTS Welcome Statement Syllabus House Rules The following documents are on this page: Welcome Statement Syllabus House Rules Calendar-Schedule Discussion Groups directions sheet Discussion Groups etiquette sheet Final Grade sheet Yes, most of these are also on the Week #1 page, but this page won’t disappear later in the course.
This page has the course schedule. PAGES: Schedule 16 This page has the course schedule.
SCHEDULE Your calendar-schedule lists What’s due and when it’s due. readings assignments due dates What’s due and when it’s due. Therefore, this is an extremely important document. I have used a “content module” format.
SCHEDULE Screen shot: In this last column, you will find what’s due and on what day it’s due for each week
SCHEDULE Screen shot: REMEMBER: Assignments & Assessments have due DATES and due TIMES. The due DATES are listed here on the Schedule. The due TIMES are usually 11:00 AM on the due DATE BUT always double-check so you won’t lose points SCHEDULE Screen shot: (1/19/10) In this last column, you will find what’s due and on what day it’s due for each week
LIST PAGES 20 These pages contain lists of material as their titles suggest. This material will also be found in other places, such as the weekly pages & the menu bar.
GRAMMAR This page has the following: the link to a text book’s companion site on which are the self-grading exercises you will complete throughout the course a week-by-week schedule of those readings and exercises supplementary handouts and exercises You’ll have Monday through Friday to work on this material; have it completed by Friday so you can take the related QUIZ by the next Monday.
PAGES: Weeks 2+ 22 The remaining pages take you through each week of the course, as the labels show.
WEEKS #2+ NO, I do NOT expect you to be able to read this. BUT, I do want you to see how the page is arranged. This page is a good example of how the rest of the pages are designed.
WEEKS #2+ On the top are listed links to readings, handouts, and exercises mentioned on the “SCHEDULE.” These are hyperlinked: When you click on the title, you will be linked directly to that document.
WEEKS #2+ However, since Learn has certain design limitations, I could not create direct links to Discussion Groups on the list – as I was able to do with the readings and exercises. So find the “Discussions” linked in the Course Menu (at left). This icon will take you directly to the DG posts. Quizzes & Essays are linked here, on the bottom of the page.
QUIZZES & ESSAYS On the “Course Tools” (course menu) bar, “ASSESSMENTS” leads to the quizzes & “ASSIGNMENTS” leads to the essays.
ESSAYS: Uploading Please attach the file (rather than cut/paste). Please use Word 2003, Word 2007, or Rich Text Format file types. Handouts on uploading files to the Drop Box are under the “Commencement” & “Course Documents” pages.
All Discussion Group topics are listed here, with directions for each. DISCUSSION GROUPS 28 All Discussion Group topics are listed here, with directions for each.
DISCUSSION GROUPS Think of these DG as your “homework”: assignments (journals, activities, exercises) will be posted here simply use the “Discussions” link in the course menu
DISCUSSION GROUPS This is a screenshot of the DG page: directions topic
EMAIL This is the link to Learn’s email. 31 This is the link to Learn’s email. Use this to contact me & to check messages from me - (last semester I sent out hundreds!)
Compose a message through this. EMAIL The Learn email works just as most email sites. Compose a message through this. Typical email folders.
EMAIL IF (and only “if”) a problem occurs with the Learn site, you can email me through my LCCC account at PLEASE, identify your course & section when you write to the LCCC account so I’ll know what you’re talking about – I have several sections, in Learn & not.