Four Pillars of NHS Scholarship – 3.5 GPA or higher to be eligible to apply Service Leadership Character
The Selection Process After portfolios are submitted, the Faculty Committee meets and reviews EVERY portfolio Who’s on the Committee? It’s a Secret Panel, but it is comprised of Briar Woods Teachers The NHS Sponsors (Ms. Nichols, Mrs. Osborne, and Mrs. Schimmel) are NOT on the committee
After the committee meets… You will be notified via snail mail as to the decision of the committee If you are accepted, there will be information in the letter about inductions If you are not accepted, your letter will include: Reasons for not being accepted (limited service hours, essay didn’t follow prompt, etc) Information regarding appeals
Appeals You have 10 academic days to submit your appeal in writing If your appeal is accepted, your portfolio will be reviewed by the appeals committee You do not have the option to submit any new information – only your original portfolio is looked at The decision of the appeals committee will be communicated via letter – delivered to the student in school. Appeals Committee Decisions are Final.
What if I don’t get accepted? You can reapply in the fall as a senior.
The Portfolio You can type or write (in black ink only) your application Complete ALL portions of the application Student and parent/guardian signatures are required on TWO pages! Completed application (including letters of recommendation) must be put in a large manila envelope (that can be sealed) Due Wednesday, April 19, 2017 by 4pm to room 407!
Page 2 – Part 1 Include your personal information in this section! Do not write in this section!
Page 2 – Part 2 Contact the sponsors of these activities EARLY to get their signatures!
Page 3 – Part 3a Contact the sponsors of these activities EARLY to get their signatures! If you are an officer/leader in a club or organization that you listed in part 2, include the activity again here!
Contact the coaches for these teams EARLY to get their signatures! Page 4 – Part 3a continued Contact the coaches for these teams EARLY to get their signatures!
Page 4 – Part 3b Contact the sponsors of these activities EARLY to get their signatures!
Page 5 – Part 4 If this section is blank, write a brief statement explaining why it is blank. Contact the sponsors of these activities EARLY to get their signatures! Fundraisers that are required for your organization do not count as service!
Page 6 – Part 5
Page 6 – Part 6a
Page 7 – Part 6b
This is where you discuss your CHARACTER! Follow the prompt! Page 7 – Part 7 This is where you discuss your CHARACTER! Follow the prompt!
Pages 8 and 9 – Letters of Recommendation Need 2 letters of recommendation One from a Briar Woods Teacher One from a community member or coach Give the writers an envelope! The recommender should give you the form in the sealed and signed envelope You need to put the two signed and sealed envelopes in your portfolio!
Student and Parent/Guardian Signatures Needed on 2 pages (page 1 and page 10)
Any Questions? Portfolios are Due Wednesday, April 19, 2017 by 4pm to room 407! Any other questions see one of the sponsors: Ms. Nichols – room 404 Mrs. Osborne – room 609 Mrs. Schimmel – room 407