HHS English National Honor Society
English National Honor Society NEHS is a nationally-recognized organization for students (10th grade - 12th grade) with a shared passion for the language arts. The NEHS recognizes outstanding scholarship in the field of English and promotes leadership, character, and community involvement. We currently are open to juniors and seniors only.
English National Honor Society Students must attend monthly meetings during Pride Time Students must volunteer at least four hours in the Reading Writing Center (study hall or lunch) Students are assigned RWC buddies during senior year! Students must participate in activities planned by NEHS
Poetry Out Loud Competition Poetry in your Pocket Day Author Workshops Press Releases for Honor Societies Theatrical Field Trips Celebrate Read Across America Day Novel Reviews SAT Workshops Develop Children’s Book Reading Writing Center (RWC) Tutors Reading to Pre-K Children HHS Staff Shadow Day (Seniors)
English National Honor Society Application with essay due by Thursday, 6/8 to Mrs. Throckmorton in Room 407 Essay must be loaded onto Turnitin.com Candidates will be notified in August $20 dues must be paid before induction in September
Join us!
Questions? Email Melanie.Buckley@lcps.org Email Emmilee.Throckmorton@lcps.org