Framework Of COSB Framework Of COSB
1. The MACRO View 2. The MICRO View O v e r v i e w Existence of the Church (Body) Existence of the Dept / Min (Parts) Framework Of COSB
Existence of the Church (Body) The MACRO View Existence of the Church (Body) Framework Of COSB
Build the Kingdom of God MACRO – Existence of the Church The Church Exists To… Build the Kingdom of God People Framework Of COSB
One of the surest way to FAIL is to MACRO – Existence of the Church The 5 Stages of Growth One of the surest way to FAIL is to assume everyone is the S A M E People are at different levels of maturity and therefore have different needs Framework Of COSB
So in order for the Church to be RELEVANT, MACRO – Existence of the Church The 5 Stages of Growth So in order for the Church to be RELEVANT, we have to identify the different levels of maturity Framework Of COSB
MACRO – Existence of the Church The 5 Stages of Growth Minister Disciple Believer Visitor Desired Progress of Growth Unchurched Framework Of COSB
MACRO – Existence of the Church The 5 Stages of Growth Unchurched Visitor Believer Disciple Minister Community Crowd Congregation Committed Core Seeking to serve EQUIP Seeking to go deeper NURTURE Open to relationship BOND Uncommitted, Open to Gospel TOUCH Unaware, Uninterested REACH Framework Of COSB
MACRO – Existence of the Church COSB Purpose Statement We exist to reach the unchurched, touch their lives through encounters with God, bond them into His household, nurture them in His Word and equip them to serve Him. Framework Of COSB
MACRO – Existence of the Church The 5 Stages of Growth Equip Nurture Bond Touch Reach SERVICE EDUCATION FELLOWSHIP WORSHIP OUTREACH Framework Of COSB
Degree of Involvement from the 5 Departments The 5 Stages of Growth Target Community Crowd Congregation Committed Core Lay Term Unchurched Visitor Believer Disciple Minister Characteristics Unaware Uninterested Uncommitted Open to gospel Open to relationship Seeking to go deeper into the Word Seeking to serve Our Key Purpose Reach Touch Bond Nurture Equip Key Department Outreach Worship Fellowship Education Service Degree of Involvement from the 5 Departments Desired Progress of Growth O W F E S Framework Of COSB
S E F W O The Matrix Dialect Bilingual English Youths Children Framework Of COSB
Existence of the Dept/Min (Parts) The MICRO View Existence of the Dept/Min (Parts) Framework Of COSB
Organisational Structure MICRO – Existence of the Departments/ Ministries The 7 Pillars Vision Purpose Statement Core Values Organisational Structure Policies & Guidelines Short & Long Term Goals Strategies Framework Of COSB
What you want to SEE in the church as a result of your department MICRO – Existence of the Departments/ Ministries The 1st Pillar - VISION What you want to SEE in the church as a result of your department A Vision gives direction. It tells us where to head. It is a waste of resources to be in a ship heading nowhere. When a clear Vision is in place, people who identify with it will overcome obstacles along the way and press towards it. The absence of a Vision is often the root problem of: A lack of motivation Sub-standard quality of serving High drop out rate “Where there is no Vision, the people perish…” Pro 29:18 Framework Of COSB
MICRO – Existence of the Departments/ Ministries The 2nd Pillar – PURPOSE STATEMENT The function(s) of the department/ ministry that will bring it towards the Vision. This is the reason for its existence. Every organisation exists for a certain function. The very moment it fails to fulfil its function, its existence will be questioned. Being clear on your department’s Purpose Statement will enable your members to channel their resources wisely and effectively. The absence of a Purpose Statement is often the root problem of: Conflict of interest Aimlessness in ministry Low sense of satisfaction “The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose” 1Cor 3:8 Framework Of COSB
MICRO – Existence of the Departments/ Ministries The 3rd Pillar – CORE VALUES The shared values that are vital to the fulfilment of the Purpose Statement. They also serve as a unique set of attitudes that bond the people together. Same actions carried out with different attitudes can give different results. Depending on the nature of the Purpose Statement, a unique set of shared values is necessary to help accomplish the mission in the most meaningful and effective manner. The absence of Core Values is often the root problem of: Varying standard of services Unmet expectations in code of conduct Lack of synergy ‘Common values of the early believers’ Act 2:44-47 Framework Of COSB
MICRO – Existence of the Departments/ Ministries The 4th Pillar – ORGANISATION STRUCTURE The picture of people with their responsibilities and how they are linked together. Functional or Homogenous OS. An OS allows members to identify where they fit into the big picture and thereby to effectively fulfil their role. The absence of an OS is often the root problem of: A lack of affiliation or sense of belonging “Too many instructions from too many leaders” syndrome High burnt out rate ‘Division of Labour’ Exo 18:13-26 ‘Many parts, but one body’ 1 Cor 12:14-27 Framework Of COSB
Guidelines are procedures to enhance the effectiveness of the work. MICRO – Existence of the Departments/ Ministries The 5th Pillar – POLICIES & GUIDELINES Policies are statements, usually related to scope and boundaries, that set the stand of the organisation. Guidelines are procedures to enhance the effectiveness of the work. Policies and guidelines enable believers serving together to have a set of common understanding on how things are to be carried out. It ensures that the right people are doing the right things at the right place at the right time in the right way. The absence of Policies and Guidelines is often the root problem of: Differing standards of service Uncertainties during the actual work Declining quality of service ‘Noah’s Ark’ Gen 6:14-22 ‘Tabernacle’ Exo 25-38 ‘Orderly Worship’ 1Cor 14:26-40 Framework Of COSB
Desired objectives that will bring you towards the Vision. MICRO – Existence of the Departments/ Ministries The 6th Pillar – GOALS Desired objectives that will bring you towards the Vision. Intermediate goals are steps that lead us toward the Vision. When they are specific, people can adjust and channel their resources appropriately. When goals are achieved, people are encouraged by the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The absence of goals is often the root problem of: A stagnant ministry Lack of motivation Disillusionment with regards to the Vision “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” Amo 3:7 “He gave him the plans of all that the Spirit had put in his mind for the courts of the temple of the LORD” 1Ch 28:12 Framework Of COSB
A series of relevant methods linked together to achieve set purposes MICRO – Existence of the Departments/ Ministries The 7th Pillar – STRATEGIES A series of relevant methods linked together to achieve set purposes Enable objectives to be achieved effectively – bearing in mind that while the message remains the same, methods change in order to be relevant. Clearly laid strategies also allow team members to follow and flow along in a systematic order. The absence of strategies is often the root problem of: Confusion and frustration Undesirable outcomes A waste of resources “The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” Pro 21:5 ‘Joshua’s strategy to take the city’ Jos 8:10:25 Framework Of COSB
Are You Ready? Framework Of COSB