Activities on EU-Level: Better Regulation for Innovation Driven Investment Dr. Ana-Maria GRIGORE DG Research and Innovation Industrial Technologies Strategy Unit
'Better Regulation' Package Objectives: Remove regulatory barriers Simplify legal framework Increase regulatory predictability Commission will better collect and assess cases of barriers to innovation with new tools (REFIT Platform and R&I Impact Assessment Tool); Member States to justify gold-plating (i.e. when they go beyond what is strictly required by EU legislation & when they implement it at national level)
To contribute President Juncker's objectives Why InnovRefit? To contribute President Juncker's objectives Boost innovation with better regulation to support his 10 priorities Close the investment gap through European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) and beyond To address the issue of EU stagnating R&I intensity in the private sector.
Results of the exercise Staff Working Document of the Better Regulations for innovation-driven investment at EU level Innovation Deals- Pilot phase within the scope of the Circular Economy
Circular Economy Package RTD.I.1 Circular Economy Package The Commission Communication "Closing the loop – An EU action plan for the circular economy" adopted on 2 December 2015, introduces the concept of Innovation Deals as: «a pilot approach to help innovators facing regulatory obstacles (e.g. ambiguous legal provisions), by setting up agreements with stakeholders and public authorities»
Competitiveness Council 27/5 RTD.I.1 Competitiveness Council 27/5 The Commission will have to develop and implement a pilot for the envisaged tool of 'Innovation Deals'. Before mid-2018, the results of the pilot will have to be assessed and evaluated.
Pilot phase Invitation to submit Expressions of Interest max 5 IDs Timing: deadline 15 September 2016 Horizon 2020's 2016-2017 work programme The Focus Area 'Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy' includes two topics (CIRC-01 and CIRC-02) max 10 IDs Timing: Early 2017
1. General necessary conditions 2. Priority Ranking Criteria
Joint declaration of Intent MS S EC JDI Any other late joiner ID's signatories jointly commit to: collect and provide evidence, inform all relevant stakeholders, collaborate and participate in an open transparent way aiming to establish the facts as regards an alleged barrier to innovation The ID remains open to other innovators or stakeholders Legend I – Innovator R – Regional authority MS – Member State S – Relevant stakeholder EC – European Commission
32 Expressions of Interest 14 countries Topics submitted: water waste energy nutrients public procurement ………
Credits to: Janneke van Veen Email: Tel: +32 2 298 74 60