Can government fix the economy? The Second New Deal Essential Questions: Can government fix the economy? Is government responsible for the economic well-being of it’s citizens?
Terms Deficit spending – government practice of spending borrowed money rather than raising taxes, usually in an attempt to boost the economy. Benefit – something that promotes well-being or is a useful aid. Finance – to provide money for a project. Thereby – because of that Binding arbitration – process in which a neutral party hears arguments from two opposing sides and makes a decision that both must accept Sit-down strike – method of boycotting work by sitting down at work and refusing to leave the establishment.
Taking Notes: 255 The WPA (Works Progress Administration) Legislation Provisions The WPA (Works Progress Administration) Employed 8.5 million workers and spent $11 billion to construct about 650,000 miles of roadways, 125,000 public buildings, 853 airports, more than 124,000 bridges, and more than 8,000 parks. Wagner Act Workers had right to organize and collectively bargain Social Security Act Security for retired workers, unemployment insurance, and aid for people with certain disabilities and impoverished mothers with dependent children
Critical Thinking (2 questions) - page 256 and 258 How did the political left’s criticisms of the New Deal differ from those of the political right? Those on the left thought that the New Deal needed to do more economic intervention, but those on the right thought it was too expensive and restrictive, and gave the federal government too much power. How might Social Security have changed Americans’ sense of personal economic security? It improved the economy because people had more money to spend. If people are spending money then they need products to purchase and people need to make those products which also means more jobs.
Progress Check (2 questions) - page 256 and 258 What factors encouraged Roosevelt to introduce the Second New Deal? Critics on the political right and left complained that economic recovery was not happening quickly enough. Roosevelt was worried about his chances for reelection, and wanted to improve economic conditions. What were some benefits of the Wagner Act and the Social Security Act for the American public? The Wagner Act protected workers’ rights to unionize and organize, so they could work for better working conditions and wages. The Social Security Act provided a small income to older Americans, people who had lost their jobs, and some others, including people with disabilities and poor mothers.