ROAD ACCIDENT FUND VENDOR BRIEFING SESSION RFP: RAF/ 2012 /00005 Presenter: Anna Mosupyoe and Jacquie Sobantu Date: 26 January 2012 Time: 10:00
Overview Background Evaluation Criteria Submission of bid responses Disqualification of bids Procurement Administration Purpose of the RFP Questions and Answers
Evaluation Criteria Evaluation will be based on 90/10 PPPFA system Points Price 90 Participation goals 10 Total 100
Evaluation Criteria Mandatory requirements The service provider must be SAMARA accredited or ISO 900 accredited. Please attach SAMRA accreditation or ISO 900 accreditation as proof that the agency is accredited.
Evaluation Criteria (continue) Functional criteria Weightings Experience of the Company Please provide RAF with the portfolio of research work done in three (3) different industries: Government, Private and public entities. The references must consist of two industries of the listed three. The reference should include the following: Company name Contact person Contact person e-mail address and contact number. 10%
Evaluation Criteria continue Functional criteria Weightings Resources Experience The service provider must submit the CV’s of the project team that will be used in the project and indicate were they will be utilized. The project team should consist of the personnel that have the relevant marketing research qualifications and minimum of 3 years in conducting research. Research approach and solution methodology Using the case study brief provided in paragraph 3.2 on page 46 of this document. Demonstrate both qualitative and quantitative techniques and the solution to RAF. 10% 30%
Evaluation Criteria continue Functional criteria Weightings Sample Methodology Using the case study brief provided in paragraph 3.2 on page 46 of this document. Provide RAF with sample methods, sample structure, weightings and validation techniques. Insights The service provider must illustrate how insights and recommendations are derived from the data sourced. 20% 10% Presentations Shortlisted companies will be invited to RAF for presentation Total 100%
Submission of bid responses Original signed bid document 4 hard copies Submitted in sealed envelopes Each schedule must be clearly distinguish, indexed and all pages numbered
Disqualification of bids Bidders shall be disqualified if they fail to: Submit a valid and original tax clearance certificate Complete questionnaires in full Submit true and correct information Comply with mandatory requirements Comply with prescribed response format
Administration RFP Closing Date: 06 February 2012 @11H00 Venue: RAF Menlyn Reception 38 Ida street Menlo Park Pretoria Bid responses sent by courier must reach the reception at least 36 (thirty six) hours before the closing date to be deposited into the bid box Submission Register must be signed at the reception by bidder when submitting bid documents Late bids will not be considered All queries must be forwarded to Enquiries and clarification of technical issues will close not later than 27 January 2012 @ 11H00. Important note: Please ensure that the attendance register has been signed Name of company Contact details
Understanding Research To understand the dynamics and scope of the Road Accident Funds risks and opportunities. Facilitating growth, knowledge and strategy
Objectives Research Partner Provide Strategic direction Actionable insights
Research Plan Brand: Stakeholder: Corporate: Research Target Market Brand Equity: Internal Brand Equity: External Road Safety Stakeholder Perception Stakeholder: Employee Attitude Change Management Corporate: Research Target Market Employee Public & Stakeholders Employees General Public Stakeholders Service: Customer Satisfaction Service Excellence Living Core Values Claimants & Lawyers Segmentation: Market Profiling Public Customer Service Index Communication Objectives Measure brand awareness, value, identity, image & resonance Understand how employees think & feel about the RAF Relationship between communication, leadership & corporate culture Improve quality & delivery of road safety education, training & Communication Understand RAF’s stakeholders perception & how to improve it Action Standards Inform Marketing & Brand Strategy Human Capital Strategy Organisational Health Road Safety Education Strategy Value proposition Engagement Strategy Measure service values Identify market segments, Behavioural & media consumption patterns Inform Marketing, Brand, Media & Communication Strategy Assess resonance & acceptance Benchmarking against Industry
Research Budget Brand: Stakeholder: Corporate: Research Estimated Cost Brand Equity: Internal Brand Equity: External Road Safety Stakeholder Perception Stakeholder: Employee Attitude Change Management Corporate: Research Estimated Cost R 800,000.00 R 350,000.00 R 450,000.00 Service: Customer Satisfaction Service Excellence Living Core Values Segmentation: Market Profiling R 1,200,000.00 R 600,000.00 R R 1,450,000.00 R 1,000,000.00 R 450,000.00 R 780,000.00 R 330,000.00 R 400,000.00 R 400,000.00 Research Agency Service Provider Service Industry Monitor Survey AMPS, Telmar, TGI Total Budget R 4,630,000.00
Case Study Brief: Road Safety Target Market School Children Male & Female Primary & Secondary School Age 8-17yrs Urban & Rural Pedestrians Age 16-60yrs Drivers & Commuters Age 18-60yrs National Gauteng, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Free State, North West
Case Study Brief: Road Safety Research Objective The primary objective is to identify how to improve the quality and delivery of road safety education, training and communication to find effective ways to raise the status of road safety education. Specifically the study is aimed at establishing the following: Determine awareness and perception of road safety on the public roads in South Africa. Identify and understand the attitude and behaviour towards road safety. Identify possible barriers in understanding and practicing road safety. Determine the expectations for road safety initiatives. Identify the most effective ways to ensure that road safety education is more appealing and understood.
Expectation Demanding organisation In midst of transformation Insights into strategy
Thank you Questions and Answers