What is your ideal profession?


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Presentation transcript:

What is your ideal profession? Unit 6 Work What is your ideal profession?

Task 3 Useful vocabularies: receptionist 接待员 key puncher 电脑操作员 stenographer 速记员 programmer 电脑程序员 system analyst 系统分析员 shorthand typist 速记打字员 national public servant 国家公务员 journalist 记者   interpreter 通译者 Translator 笔译员 talent 星探   photographer 摄影师  linguist 语言学家   chemist 化学家 economist 经济学家   philosopher 哲学家   physicist 物理学家 anthropologist 人类学家 archaeologist 考古学家 geologist 地质学家 expert on folklore 民俗学家 biologist 生物学家 zoologist 动物学家  

Task 3 statistician 统计学家 physiologist 生理学家 composer 作曲家 sculptor 雕刻家 fashion coordinator 时装调配师 beautician 美容师 detective 刑警 mailman 邮差 newspaper boy 报童 bootblack 擦鞋童 copywriter 撰稿人   newscaster 新闻评论人       florist 卖花人 baker 面包师  greengrocer 菜贩  fish-monger 鱼贩    butcher 肉贩 station agent 站长  porter 行李夫 car mechanic 汽车修理师 architect 建筑师 druggist, chemist, pharmacist 药剂师  oil supplier 加油工 (public) dentist 牙科医生     

Unit 6 Work Objectives: Sort out information in various ways. Draw inferences. Summarize the main ideas. Get familiar with the expressions concerning work and understand the relevant situations.

Task 1 Can you describe these pictures? If you will face this situation everyday after work, what do you feel?

Task 1 1. Listen to the recording for the first time and recall what Laura did in chronological order. 2. Listen to the recording again and finish Exercise B. It will tests your understanding of Laura’s life in general with the brief description provided here. A. [d]—[b]—[a]—[e]—[c] B. a

Task 2 Did you watch Mission Impossible IV? What’s Tom Cruise’s job in this movie? secret agent spy

Task 2 New words: uninviting: not pleasant or attractive. glamorous: full of or characterized by glamour or charming. fountain pen: 自来水笔, 钢笔 geranium: 天竺葵

Task 2 1. Listen to the tape for the first time and try to finish Exercise A. You need to note the details in this part. 2. Listen to the recording again and finish Exercise B. Drawing inferences is needed to do Questions 1 and 2 in this part. 3. Listen to the recording for the third time and fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape. A. 1) a 2) b 3) d 4) c B. 1) T 2)T 3) F C. wondered, television plays, exciting, every cigarette lighter, tape recorder, held in a certain way, the touch of a gold ring against the hand of, How wrong they were

Task 3 Discussion: What do you want to do when you leave college? A. 1) Sailor 2) Farmer (if she were a man) 3) Civil engineer 4) Racing driver or explorer B. 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) d

Task 4

Task 4 foreign correspondent: 驻外记者 columnist: A writer of a column in a publication, such as a newspaper.(报刊的)专栏作家

Task 4 Question: How do you get a newspaper job? I. correspondent, columnist A. may not need either B. to go to places where events take place and write stories about them II. first, bigger, better who will soon leave to work for other people III. working hours, free time, work long hours to begin with

Task 5 Question: If you want to be promoted in a company, what should you do? A. 1) acd 2) abc B. 1) she is the wrong sex 2) she wears the wrong clothes

Task 6 average v. 平均为,平均达 file v. 提交(申请等) claim n. 申请,要求 to get laid off 被解雇 vacuum cleaner 吸尘器

Task 6 Answer: A. Former Jobs When Laid-off Why Laid-off 1st man Car salesman Recently Low sales, due to the increase of interest rates 2nd man Worker at a vacuum cleaner plant 10 months ago Plant moved to Singapore where workers are paid much less

Task 9 The feeling about their jobs

Like their jobs (percent) Like jobs in part (percent) Task 9 Listen carefully to the figures mentioned in the piece to do Exercise A. You need to do a bit of mathematics to fill in some of the blanks. Interviewees Like their jobs (percent) Dislike their jobs (percent) Like jobs in part (percent) Men 91 5 4 Women 84 12 Men/Women 18--24 70 20 6 Men/Women 25--29 88 9 3 30--39 92 8 White-collar 87 Blue--collar

Task 9 Summarizing and note-taking are practiced in Exercise B 1) No major changes. For some →”less paperwork” Some: → Less working hours Others: → Earn more money 2) Most adults → would go on working Esp. young adults (18 to 24) → 9 out of 10 would go on working.

Task 10 The inquire about job hunting.

Task 10 vet: 兽医 overpowering: 使人无法忍受的 choir: 唱诗班

Task 10 Listen to the tape and finish the exercises. A. According to Mother According to Cathy Intelligence Very bright Reasonably intelligent Interests Music and dancing Tennis and swimming, talking to people Career Teacher or vet Hairdresser inclination B. 1) F 2) T C. 1) b 2) a