Haida Gwaii Community Electricity Plan The Sheltair Group In association with Cortex Consultants & Cooley & Associates
Team: A Balance of Process and Content The Sheltair Group Cortex Consultants Cooley & Associates The Sheltair Group – interdisciplinary team of resource management and urban planning professionals. Cortex Consultants – natural resource consulting firm offering services in process management and facilitation. Cooley & Associates – specializes in developing innovative processes and structures for bringing people together.
A consensus based Community Electricity Plan for Haida Gwaii The Result A consensus based Community Electricity Plan for Haida Gwaii
Objectives Identify future sources of energy to offset or replace diesel Identify future sources of energy which: Replace diesel Are better environmentally Meet BC Clean Energy criteria, and
Objectives 2. Incorporate communities’ objectives and values into the plan and involve the communities of Haida Gwaii in decision making process
Approach 4 Key Questions: Where are we now (benchmark)? Where are we going (forecast)? Where do we want to go (envision)? How do we get there (implementation)? Where are we now energy use Sources of energy Population Types of buildings 2. Where are we going? look at population growth and economic development plans Characterize the supply options that will be available 3. Where do we want to go? have the community members tell us what they would like the community to look like (size, economics, etc.) Identify what the community values, hopes and dreams mean in terms of energy supply 4. How do we get there? develop strategies and plans that enable the community to realize their vision Clearly identify what needs to be done to implement the strategies and plans, and who needs to do it
Long-Lasting Decisions Many of the infrastructure decisions that we make have long lasting implications. Some decisions impact us for hundreds of hears. Planning Horizons
Project Phases
Process Develop a cooperative process that involves all stakeholders equally. Develop working relationships based on trust. Create a sense of ownership in the plan by the communities. Build capacity within the community through training community members. Notes: Having more people involved in the plan results in more creative and better solutions that fit all HG communities.
Consultation Steps Setting the Stage Understanding Community Values and Interests Building the Plan Consulting on the Plan Setting the Stage: That the CEP process is happening and why; What level of involvement is being offered by the sponsors; and What types of input will be sought from residents and why their participation is important (Open Houses, ads, radio etc.) Understanding Community Values to explore with communities what their interests (e.g., goals) and objectives are and what they value in terms of energy supply and its impact on community development in the future – This intersects with the technical planning Building the Plan use the values and interests (goals) identified to evaluate the energy strategies (“ bundles” of generation technologies). Those strategies deemed to be feasible and most consistent with the values and interests (goals) expressed by residents will be used as the basis for a third round of consultation to examine the trade-offs required by each of the energy strategies, and ideally, to select a preferred bundle.
Technical Steps Collect information Forecast demand (energy and capacity) Identify demand side management options Identify supply side alternatives Create energy strategies based on consultation input Develop an implementation plan Collect Information: building audits (optional); environmental assessment, demand, energy use
Sample Questions What should the role of diesel generation be in the future mix of electricity? What is the preferred mix of renewables and what are the preferred technologies? What are the evaluation criteria to rank alternative technologies? How should energy conservation initiatives be implemented? Team introductions.
Project Schedule Phase Technical Process Public Outreach Process Date Collect & Review Data Finalize Engagement Plan and Information Equipment Condition & October Environmental Setting the Stage – Assessments 2006 for the CEP Conduct building audits Prepare for Community Conduct t Energy Use Interests and Values December Surveys Workshops Develop Demand Profiles Train local facilitators Identify DSM Options January Forecast future demand Understanding profile 2007 Community Values – Identify energy options Hold Community Interests and Values Workshops March Create energy strategies Hold workshops to identify preferred energy strategies Develop an June 2007 April Building the Plan Implementation plan – Compile Draft Plan Review and comment on Draft p lan Final Plan 2007 Sept. June -
Working Group To assist in the development of a consultation plan to address the interests, needs and circumstances of Haida Gwaii communities To be involved in defining its role and the scope of its responsibilities
Primary Contacts at Sheltair Innes Hood Project Director 604-732-9106 ext. 312 ihood@sheltair.com Angela Griffiths Engagement Manager 604-732-9106 ext. 308 agriffiths@sheltair.com