Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM


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Presentation transcript:

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM HISTORICAL CONTEXT in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD JIM CROW LAWS - USA 1867-1965 Overturned by US Supreme Court Civil Rights Act 1964 and Voting Rights Act 1965 “SEPARATE BUT EQUAL” Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM Many whites at the time believed that instead of progressing as a race, blacks were regressing with the abolition of slavery. Southern churches (White Baptist. Methodist) frequently upheld this racist thinking, which also helped give the Jim Crow laws some of their power. Ironically, African-American churches were as likely to uphold the Jim Crow laws as white churches were. Before the Civil Rights movement gained momentum, many African-American churches concentrated on helping their congregations deal with the oppression rather than trying to end it. Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM The racial concerns that Harper Lee addresses in To Kill a Mockingbird began long before her story starts and continued long after. Reader needs to sift through the many layers of prejudice that Lee exposes in her novel, Reader needs to understand the complex history of race relations in the South. Many US states — particularly in the South — passed "Jim Crow" laws (named after a black, minstrel show character), which severely limited how African Americans could participate in society Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM The U. S. Supreme Court paved the ways for these laws in 1883 when the court ruled that it couldn't enforce the 14th Amendment of The US Constitution at the individual level “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”. The first Jim Crow law appeared in 1890; the laws increased from there and lasted until the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM THE LAWS – THE SEGREGATION OF WHITE AND BLACK Jim Crow laws extended into almost every facet of public life: The laws stipulated that blacks: use separate entrances into public buildings, have separate restrooms and drinking fountains, sit in the back of trains and buses. not be allowed to be served food in the same room in a restaurant, not be allowed to play pool together, not be allowed to share the same prisons, not be buried in the same cemeteries. not be allowed to play professional sports with white teammates not be allowed to serve in the armed forces with white soldiers. had to send children to black only schools. barbers couldn't wait on white female clients, male patients could not be attended to by white nurses. Not every law applied in every state, but the Jim Crow laws were demoralizing and far reaching, all in the name of protecting white culture and power. Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM                                                                                                                                       1939 Leland Mississippi Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM

Jim Crow Laws - Historical Context TKAM