Orientation www.tlu.ee/orientation August 2017
System of Studies Ingrid Hinojosa
Courses and timetables www.tlu.ee/courses Departmental Erasmus Coordinators ÕIS (Studies Information System) www.tlu.ee/timetables ASIO (A-gen_courses General courses in English, Sports) ÕIS shows your personal timetable after you have registered to courses, but please also double check the course timetable in ASIO What to do if there are two or more courses taking place at the same time?
Academic Calendar Autumn Semester: August 28, 2017 – January 21, 2017 28.08 Online registration for the Autumn Semester courses begins (ois.tlu.ee) 28.08 - 05.09 Orientation for international students 04.09 Start of the first contact study period of the Autumn Semester 11.09 Deadline for online registration in the Autumn Semester courses 22.10 End of the first contact study period of the Autumn Semester 23.–29.10 Intermediate week of the Autumn Semester (exams, intensive courses, special seminars) 30.10 Start of the second contact study period of the Autumn Semester 17.12 End of the second contact study period of the Autumn Semester 18.-22.12 Exam Session 24.12–01.01 Christmas holidays 27.12 Timetables for the Spring Semester are made public 02.–17.01Exam session continues 21.01 End of Autumn Semester
Grades A - excellent D - satisfactory B - very good E - poor C - good F - fail P (pass) – the student has acquired the knowledge and skills required; a positive outcome. MA (fail) – the student has failed to acquire the knowledge and skills at the required level; a negative outcome. Show ASIO
Grades Grades only in the system of A-F can be obtained Starting from Spring semester 2016/2017 it is not possible to get a grade for a result marked as P on the transcript of credits!
Credit system European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) Exchange students have to follow their Learning Agreement You have to take as many ECTS credits as your home university requires
Registration for classes At the beginning of each term you have to register for the classes that you are going to take. If you register for a class, you will have to take an exam/pass-fail test in this subject. Online registration deadline is September 11. Saab teha vabas vormis avalduse, kui vaja hiljem aineid muuta. Küsi Merli käest.
Registration for classes You can register online at the Studies Information System (ÕIS): ois.tlu.ee TU e-mail account from room S-203 (during orientation A-303)
Registration for classes If you have registered for a class at the beginning of the term, but decide to drop the subject, you can remove your name from the list during the first two weeks of the semester. Classes usually start 08:15, 10:15, 12:15...
Exams You have to register for exams in ÕIS (Performances - Search for performances) at least one working day before the exam. If you change your mind before the exam and decide to take it another time, you will have to cancel your registration at least one working day before the exam. If you fail to show up for the exam you have registered for, the result will be “MI” (did not attend). There are two dates for each exam. Exam results will be in ÕIS two week after the exam.
Documents Learning Agreement changes by the end of September (signed by your Departmental Erasmus Coordinator) Before you leave: Transcript of Records (your final results) and Confirmation Letter from the Academic Affairs Office (Ingrid Hinojosa)
International Student Adviser Signs your arrival certificate, confirmation of your student status, gives information, .... E-mail: ingrid.hinojosa@tlu.ee, phone: +372 6409217 Office hours: Monday-Thursday 14:00-16:30, room T-215
More information http://www.tlu.ee/exchange
More information Facebook: Erasmus in Tallinn University
Departmental Erasmus Coordinators In every institute/college Help you with your studies (timetables, choosing courses) Sign your Learning Agreement and changes to it www.tlu.ee/coordinators
Departmental Erasmus Coordinators BFM Ms Eve Müür – N-524 School of Educational Sciences Ms Liis Raudsepp – M-425 School of Digital Technologies Ms Kristi Oikimus– A-431 School of Governance, Law and Society Ms Triin Tõnurist– M-564 School of Humanities Ms Maris Peters – S-408 School of Natural Sciences and Health Health Sciences and Sports Ms Reeda Tuula – Rä49-508 Natural Sciences Ms Kaija Käärt – A-512 Psychology Ms Sille Silluta– S-212 Haapsalu College Ms Liina Viiret