Mrs. Owen’s 3rd Grade Class Welcome to Curriculum Night! I am so glad you are here! Please take a moment to write any questions you may have throughout the presentation on a notecard!
Agenda Reminders Communication Behavior Management Homework and Grades Daily Schedule Technology Curriculum (Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Health) Questions
Reminders Please see the Family Handbook: Click Here. If you arrive after 7:45, please park and walk your child into the school. Please do not bring pets on campus. (p. 14) Remember that birthday invitations and treats should not be passed out at school. (p.13) Students who do not have money in their school meal accounts will not be given breakfast or lunch. (p. 13) In 3rd grade, each student is responsible for bringing their own healthy snack for snack recess if they want one.
Reminders cont. All absences must be called in to the Attendance line: (480) 541-5601. Emails to the office or teacher no longer can be accepted. (p. 21) Transportation: If your child has a change in transportation, the front office needs to be notified by 2:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and by 12:00 on Wednesdays. Please also e-mail me if your child is getting home a different way otherwise I will send them to their regular dismissal location.
Communication I send out class newsletters every Friday. If you want to be part of the class distribution list, e- mail me at E-mail me ( or call (480- 541-5736) with any questions or concerns. Parent-teacher conferences will be held in October and March.
Behavior Management PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) Be safe Be respectful Be responsible Teachers and staff around school hand out “Pawsitives” to students following the 3 school rules. Students’ names are drawn on the Monday morning announcements for a prize.
Behavior Management Continued Potential Consequences: logical consequence, loss of recess or a refocus sheet that needs to be signed by parent/guardian and returned the following day On Fridays there will be a green weekly behavior check-up sheet to let you know your student’s progress behaviorally.
Homework The purpose of homework is for students to have meaningful, independent practice at home. Focus on quality not quantity. Third graders are expected to read and practice math 15 minutes each 3-4 times per week. Homework contracts go home on Monday and are due the following Monday. *Weekly spelling words are on it, but there may not always be a formal test each week. Unfinished classwork may be assigned as homework. Please make sure your child brings their take home/homework folder to school each day.
Homework Continued
Grades All teacher-graded work will go home on Fridays with the green behavior sheet. You can check your child’s current grades by logging into ParentVue. You will see other work that has been self-corrected by students go home throughout the week. Not all papers will be graded by the teacher.
Daily Schedule Be on time and stay all day! 7:50-8:20- Writing 8:20- 8:50- IFG Reading (Instructional Focus Groups) 8:50-10:30- ELA 10:30-11:10- Recess and Lunch 11:15-12:00- Science, Social Studies, or Health 12:00-1:05- Math 1:05-1:15- Snack Recess (healthy snacks only, please ) 1:15-1:45 IFG Math 1:50-2:35- Specials
Specials Monday- Computer Lab Tuesday- None Wednesday- Music Thursday- PE (students should wear tennis shoes) Friday- Library (bring library books to return or renew) and Art
Technology SmartBoard and Document Camera Coding program Each class has 8 laptops for use throughout the day. Computer Lab- create powerpoints, conduct research for our informational writing unit, as well as learn typing skills on ‘Typing Agent.’ SmartBoard and Document Camera Coding program Educational Resources page: Click Here
Rigor Statement Rigor is creating an environment in which each student is expected to learn at high levels, each student is supported so he/she can learn at high levels and each student demonstrates learning at high levels. Rigor is… Rigor is not… High expectations Critical thinking Problem solving Curious and imaginative Agility and adaptability Challenging learning experiences Improving and achieving For all students! The amount of homework The number of assignments Low level/rote activities Another program Teaching to the test
Reading Curriculum Nonfiction: Students are expected to ask/answer questions referring explicitly to the text as the basis for answers, determine the main idea of a text, determine the meaning of academic words/phrases, use text features to locate information, and determine cause and effect. Fiction: Students are expected to ask/answer questions about a text using text evidence, determine the central message or lesson of a story, describe characters, and determine the meaning of words using context clues. GOAL: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature and informational texts at the high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
ELA (English Language Arts) Last year Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) was officially adopted as our ELA curriculum resource. It has 2 main components: Listening & Learning: consists of a daily read aloud and multipie opportunities for students to answer questions orally and in written form using complete sentences. Skills: consists of grammar, spelling, and some reading comprehension strategies. There will be a weekly reading comprehension test. Students will engage in book clubs throughout the year.
Move On When Reading (MOWR) If 3rd grade students fall far below on the end of the year reading assessment (AZ Merit), they may have to take summer school or be retained the following school year.
Writing Curriculum Genres of Writing in 3rd Grade: Narrative- Personal and Fairytales Students will focus on sequence and details to develop stories of real or imagined experiences. Informational Students will write explanatory texts to examine a topic and include text features (illustrations, captions, timelines, etc.) to support information. Opinion- Persuasive and Literary Essays Students will state an opinion and provide reasons to support their opinion.
Math Curriculum Multiplication and Division (within 100) Addition and Subtraction (within 1000)- emphasis on place value Fractions Measurement and Data- elapsed time, mass, volume, graphing, area, and perimeter Geometry- reason with shapes and their attributes
Math Continued IFG Math- Students may go to another 3rd grade teacher’s room during this time. Problem Solving- Every math unit is related to real life through word problems. Math Stations- Students will work in small groups or in partnerships to work on current skills being taught or review skills from earlier in the year. Core Resource: EngageNY Aligns with Common Core Standards
Science Earth and Space Science- Rocks and Minerals Physical Science- Light and Sound Life Science- Plants Science is tied into our informational writing unit and reading all year long
Social Studies American History- Explorers and Civil War World History- Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece Government- 3 Branches of government and good citizenship Geography- Construct and use maps to support content Economics- Goods and Services
Health Health series is called Health and Fitness. Lessons teach vocabulary. Integrated into reading and writing curriculum. Units include: Growth and Development, Personal Health, Nutrition, Safety and First Aid, Dental Hygiene, Disease Prevention. Human Growth & Development lesson in May
Thank you so much for coming! Questions or concerns? Write them on a notecard and leave them on your child’s desk or e-mail me at