Grammar Class 1 Parts of a sentence St Joseph's English
Aims of this lesson By the end of this lesson you will: Know how to identify the words in a sentence Have revised what a noun is Have revised what a verb and adverb are Have revised what an adjective is St Joseph's English
Quick Test A sentence is a group of words starting with a __________ and ending with a ___________, a _________ or a ___________. St Joseph's English
Nouns Find the nouns in these sentences An old man came out of the house brandishing a stick. He was scowling and looked furious. Inside the shop we saw rows and rows of sweets, bars and fruit. I went to Dublin yesterday St Joseph's English
What is a noun? A person, place, object or thing! These are called common nouns Eg – window, street, flag, jumper, dog, mother They are not specific Could be any street or any dog or any mother! St Joseph's English
Proper Noun Is still a noun! But is a specific noun It is the actual name of a person, place, object or thing! Eg Mr John Smith, Dr. Thompson, Irish Wheelchair Association, Dublin, Rover [the name of your dog!] St Joseph's English
Pronoun This is a word that replaces a noun It is still a noun! But it takes the place of a name or a common noun Ie she, he, i, we they These are subject pronouns Ie his, her, their These are possessive pronouns St Joseph's English
Adjective a word that describes a noun Ie strong, interesting, blue, talented They are almost always situated [put] beside the noun they describe in a sentence St Joseph's English
Find the adjectives 1. Explorers came to America from foreign lands. 2. Her mother is an amazing cook! 3. The furry dog made the girl sneeze. 4. The hungry man lived on the streets. 5. He was afraid to talk to the beautiful woman. 6. The perfume in the glass container is fragrant. St Joseph's English
Find the adjectives 7. The shiny car caught his attention in the otherwise dark parking lot. 8. The homework in science was very difficult. 9. I didn’t really want to sit lightly on the wet, mucky ground. 10. My elderly uncle who lives in Detroit is tall. 11. The new professor taught a fascinating class. 14. The second textbook for the class was heavy. 15. My boss invited me to a fancy dinner. 16. The three girls sat down on the rickety old seat. 17. Many explorers came to America from distant lands. St Joseph's English
Verbs A ‘doing’ word A verb describes an action It tells you what is happening to the subject of the sentence Ie ran; walked; read; eat; ate; sang St Joseph's English
Find the verb Every sentence has to include a subject (someone or something) and a verb (what that person or thing does or is). Circle the subject and underline the verb in each sentence: 1. Harriet wrote an essay about her vacation to France. 2. The new teacher was a young man from England. 3. The energetic student dropped his pencil on the floor. 4. Bobby forgot his trumpet at home. 5. The children were sad. 6. Mrs. Anderson gave the students a reward. 7. Peter and Steven ran on the field during recess. 8. On the way to lunch, the students stopped at the bathrooms St Joseph's English
Harder Verbs – Linking Verbs The main verb in a sentence shows action or a state of being. Those that show action are called action verbs, and those that show state of being are called linking verbs. The dog ran back home. In this sentence, ran shows an action. My pet is a dog. In this sentence, is shows a state of being. The linking verb doesn’t seem to do anything St Joseph's English
What is a linking verb? Instead they join subjects and adjectives Or they join two nouns together! Ie 1. You are a beautiful person. 7. They became friends. 8. The kitchen floor seems dirty. St Joseph's English
Parts of a sentence The large boy ran slowly across the green lawn. Find the nouns, the verb, the adverb, the adjective, the preposition. St Joseph's English
Parts of a sentence [2] Identify as many types of words as you can! Mr Smith, my history teacher, left school early and ran towards the three dogs that were sitting on the highest wall in the school. St Joseph's English