Quad Charts for: TIMLM WG
TOOL Integration and Model Lifecycle Management Working Group 31 January, 2017 www.incose.org/IW2017
Tool Integration and Model Lifecycle Management Working Group Chair and co-chairs TIMLM WG Web page http://www.incose.org/ChaptersGroups/WorkingGroups/transformational/tools-integration-interoperability John Nallon: Co-chair Lonnie VanZandt: Co-chair 103 Members in WG: 28—57 attending each of 8 sessions (members and interested parties) Number of Members INCOSE Connect address https://connect.incose.org/WorkingGroups/TIMLM/Pages/Home.aspx MLM Wiki Page MBSE Wiki Page http://www.omgwiki.org/MBSE/doku.php?id=start http://www.omgwiki.org/MBSE/doku.php?id=mbse:modelmgt 31 January, 2017 www.incose.org/IW2017
Charter Purpose : to provide the INCOSE membership the best practices and guidelines for integrating computer based tools, interchanging data and the interoperability of tool data and the lifecycle management of models in the systems engineering environment in direct support of the INCOSE SE Vision 2025. 1 Goals : Foster efficiency of systems engineering process execution through integrated processes, tools and environments including design, manufacturing and sustainment lifecycle systems. Provide a forum for discussion and information dissemination on tool integration, process implementation and operational behavior in a model based systems engineering environment. Promote the development, validation and deployment of standards that advance the interoperability of engineering toolsets and the management of models in the product lifecycle. Identify the scope of model lifecycle management and establish scenarios and best practices that address the concerns of the community. Determine efficient modeling structures to use including repositories, models and data written within the models 2 Scope : The scope of TIIWG activities as defined by the Direction of the BOD, CAB and Technical Operations leadership is to meet the needs of the MBSE Initiative Activity Teams, the TIIWG members, the needs of other INCOSE Working Groups and the membership of INCOSE in regards to an Integrated Systems Engineering Environment. 3 31 January, 2017 www.incose.org/IW2017
Published Products ISO 10303-AP233 issued; November 15, 2012 IS 2014: Introduction to Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (Paper: Axel Reichwein) IS 2014: Model Lifecycle Management for MBSE (Paper: Fisher, VanZandt, Sampson, Palmer, Nolan, Loeffler, Bajaj, Hovey, Hart) IS 2014: Do Systems Engineers Have a Tool/Standards Infrastructure that Enables Easy Access to the Information They Require? (Panel: Dr. Julian Johnson) IS 2016: Model Lifecycle Management: What a Bunch of Rhetoric (Paper: Lonnie VanZandt) IS 2017: Crafting a Collaboration Space for the Conceptualization of a Collaborative Engineering Service for the Management of Modeled Engineering Artifacts Throughout Their Enterprise Lifecycle. (Paper: Lonnie VanZandt) 31 January, 2017 www.incose.org/IW2017
2017 IW Outcomes Collaborated with the Systems Modeling and Simulation WG, Agreed on joint collaboration moving forward Completed review of PDES Inc. SE Interoperability project, and the SAVI model consistency technology, and the impact on interoperability and model lifecycle management. Conducted a discussion on the impact of MBSE on LOng Term data Archival and Retrieval (LOTAR). A lively discussion on the issues of complex system modeling using the OMG standards resulted in interest for industry coalition to drive use of standards for interoperability and efficient modelling. Conducted a workshop to discuss collaborative engineering and the development of a collaborative systems engineering modeling environment. Prepared for IS 2017 and intended Panel on MLM there. Established a TIMLM and Patterns WG project Multiple other WGs interesting in collaborating with the TIMLM WG Published all Presentations at Connect and http://www.omgwiki.org/MBSE/doku.php?id=mbse:modelmgt:topics_iw2017 31 January, 2017 www.incose.org/IW2017
Planned Work for 2017 Collaboration with the Systems Modeling and Simulation WG Bi-weekly PDES/SAVI/LOTAR/MoSSeC meetings on interoperability and supporting standards will continue. Continue development of a Collaborative Systems Engineering Environment CONOPs with PBSE and PLE WGs Liaison with INCOSE CIO/IT on Collaboration Systems 31 January, 2017 www.incose.org/IW2017