Exercise Big Bird Christchurch Airport Multi agency Exercise Facilitator Lucy Adams, Emergency Planning Advisor, St John Exercise Controller: Peter Moore, Chief Fire Officer, CIAL
Executive Summary Christchurch Airport preplanning was coordinated by the exercise steering group and the exercise facilitator. Key Performance Indicators: Notification Activation of the Christchurch Airport plan Chain of command: Scene; EOC Activation of the Airport EOC Resource allocation Tested the reconciliation area Out of scope of play: Christchurch DHB (however Emergency Planner and Duty Manager) played out this area to keep the scenario real.
Christchurch Airport welcomes you to participate in this exercise which will be held at Christchurch Airport on the 23rd September 2009. Participants are to meet at the CIAL Corporate Office, Level 2 International Airport by 0850. Exercise starts at 0900. Visitors will meet at the reception area, same location at 0955. Methodology The Emergo Train System (ETS) is an educational simulation tool. It uses plastic magnetic figures on white boards to represent the scene, passengers and emergency responders. Real time management is applied by allocating predetermined time frames to tasks. This tool was developed in Sweden ( www.emergotrain.com ) and St John holds the NZ licence. Exercise Big Bird will use the ETS as well as ’real play’ to unfold the characteristics of a plane crash scenario. The scene, casualty clear post and reconciliation areas will use ETS, whilst the EOC will be staffed by each service. How does this work? Tasks have pre allocated timeframes which means that the health/emergency responder would be ‘out of play’ for this duration. Dispatch times have been measured and will also be replicated within the exercise. Each service has an evaluator to measure their own key performance indicators. These people will also act as the communication centre for their service. They will vet calls, dispatch resources and assist with queries surrounding the rules of play.
Incident Control point
Scene Board: note site maps to the left of the board: Cordons were place on the maps
EOC activated. Police, NZ Fire, Airport Fire, Aviation Security, Emirate Airlines, St John, CIAL
Reconciliation Board
Resource boards for each service looked like this Resource boards for each service looked like this. The leaflet has the response times for each resource once they have been dispatched.
Exercise Big Bird Introduction ¾ hour Duration 2 hours Hot debrief 1 hour Report provided 1 month after the exercise Cold debrief and presentation of the exercise recommendations (6 weeks post exercise)