Responsible Advocacy Doing good, right!
Advocacy “Speaking up for yourself or another individual, a group or organization in order to bring about a change.”
Who are self-advocates? A self advocate is some one who figures out what they need. who speaks up and says what they need and want. who helps other people & doesn’t point or laugh at them. who makes choices and talk things over. who ask lots of questions. who finds ways to do things they want to do.
7 Steps to Advocacy Step #1. What do you need and want? Step #2. Plan Ahead – think about what you want to say. Step #3. Do you need someone else to help you advocate? Step #4. Always go to meetings about your services. Step #5. Get ready to negotiate Step #6. How do I tell if it's working? Step #7. Know how to make a complaint or appeal if you are not happy.
Step #1. What do you want? You are responsible for being… Clear about what you need and what you want! Speaking Up! Taking care of yourself.
Step #2. Plan Ahead – think about what you want to say. Are you happy with your services? Do you want them to change? How? Are there any rules that have to be followed to change your plan? (Ask an advocate.)
Step #3. Do you need someone else to help you to advocate? Do you have an advocate or a friend who can go with you? Talk to them ahead of time about what you want. Decide who will do the talking- you or them. If no one can go with you, try to get a friend or family member to help you practice what you are going to say.
If you have a Medley Advocate… Let someone know when you need them to talk to you before the meeting. Let your advocate know what you want from them.
Step #.4 Always Go To Meetings About Your Services Ask who is at your meetings and why. Keep all your papers. Don’t sign blank copies of forms. Document what happens, take notes or have someone do it for you.
Step #5. Getting What You Need! Sometimes you don’t get what you want so you have to …. Negotiate!
What does negotiate mean? Making a deal or a bargain Coming up with a different solution Compromise
Negotiating Face the other person Look them in the eye Speak up but don’t shout Pay attention, don’t frown Use good listening skills Ask for what you want
Negotiating Say why you want it If the other person agrees, thank them If they don’t agree, suggest a compromise If they agree with your compromise, thank the person
Negotiating If they don’t agree with your compromise, ask them to think of a compromise If you need time to think about their compromise, ask for it Ask the person when you can talk with him or her again
Negotiating If you agree with the compromise, thank the person for their solution If you don’t like the proposed compromise, think of another Be assertive and persistent but, Leave your anger at home!
Step #6. How do I tell if it's working? Make sure that you understand what is suppose to happen. When, where, how. Write down when services happen. If services don’t happen, know who to call. Write it down. Are you happy with the services?
Step #7. Know How to Appeal. All grievances or appeal procedures have similar steps: Who can file; Who will hear it; What issues can ‘appealed’ or ‘grieved’; What has to happen before a grievance can be filed ; and The timelines that have to be followed – both for the person filing a it and for the agency receiving it.
Effective Advocacy Know what you want Plan your strategy. Get help or support. Go to meetings and keep documentation Be Ready to Negotiate Document What Happens Know appeal mechanisms and use change of command.
The Arc of West Virginia Christina Smith Executive Director The Arc of West Virginia Program Director People First of WV 304-422-3151, ext. 106 1-877-334-6581