How to Be an Effective Advocate CT Alliance for Basic Human Needs 65 Hungerford St., Hartford, CT 06106 860-904-5431 ConnecticutAllianceforBasicHumanNeeds @CTBasicNeeds
Meeting with Legislators Meet with your legislator or a legislator that might support your issue. Call early to schedule a meeting or phone call. Let staff know who you plan to bring to a meeting. Find legislators at Before the meeting Create a one-page handout: Educate legislators about the subject and why is this legislation important. Give solutions to the issue, who would be affected, information on costs and funding (if any), and what the benefits would be. Have information on similar initiatives in other states. Explain the benefits and why it may work well in Connecticut. Give specific data and information such as studies, case histories, personal stories, costs, savings, etc. Bring copies Practice your personal story and a clear 3 minute “ask” . Review legislators’ bios and what committees he/ she is on.
Meet with Legislators- At the meeting Dress appropriately Turn volume off mobile devices and put away Be pleasant Be early and review roles, main talking points, and order of speaking Introduce yourself and others. If anyone is a constituent – say so! Stay on the topic and what you are asking Thank legislator for his or her time Offer to follow up with any additional information/answers to questions that the legislator requests AND DO SO!
Meet with Legislators- Unscheduled You may run into a legislator at the Capitol or elsewhere Have your 3 minute speech ready to go End with your ask Make your story personal; how the issue has affected you Give the legislator your one-page handout (if you have it) Follow up with a note or email
Public Hearings Before a bill comes out of a committee to the House or Senate, it must have a public hearing Public hearings are a PERFECT opportunity to tell your story and ask the committee to SUPPORT or OPPOSE a bill or proposal Submit written testimony to the committee Encourage others to come out to speak at the hearing and/or submit written testimony to the committee
Final Thoughts and Tips DO NOT Assume legislators or staff will know your name, organization, or issue – no matter how many times you have met Lie or make things up – if you do not know, tell them that, then find out Fail to follow-up, if you say you will If you can’t find the information you promised to follow-up with – tell them that too Sign them up for mass emails unless you received permission to do so Be rude, defensive, or threatening No one knows your message better than you Find people and organizations that support your position Different ways to engage: Phone Emails Letters In-person meetings Social media NEVER GIVE UP!