Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Update


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Presentation transcript:

Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Update Critical Issues Summit Johnny Bradberry February 17, 2017 committed to our coast committed to our coast

Draft 2017 Coastal Master Plan

THE 2017 COASTAL MASTER PLAN 3rd Edition (2007, 2012, 2017) Improved science and technical analysis Incorporating new ideas and information Focus on flood risk reduction and resilience Emphasis on communities Expanded outreach and public engagement Expedited funding scenarios and implementation timelines 2017 Coastal Master Plan



2017 Draft Coastal Master Plan

Funding by Project Type 2017 Coastal Master Plan

Unprecedented Outreach Before and During the Draft Plan 2017 Coastal Master Plan

From Draft Plan to Final Plan January 3: Draft Plan Posted January 17, 18, 24, 25: Official Public Hearings March 26: Comment Period Ends April 19: Present Final Plan to CPRA Board April 25: Submit Final Plan to Legislature 2017 Coastal Master Plan

Draft FY 2018 Annual Plan 2017 Coastal Master Plan

CPRA Annual Plan A three-year budget An implementation projection Expected revenues and expenditures An implementation projection Which projects will move forward during the fiscal year A program progress assessment Barrier island status report Fresh water diversions operational plans Process CPRA Board review Public comment CPRA Board approval Louisiana Legislature Approval: 4 Committees and Both Floors

$663Million Projected FY18 Expenditures By Project Phase Notes: Construction includes Beneficial Use ($1.7 million) OM&M includes BIMP ($2.6 million), Repair/Rehabilitation of Projects ($759,739), Marine Debris Removal ($1.6 million), and Isaac Beach

Timeline Milestone Date Draft Plan released to the public 1/03/17 Public Hearing – Lake Charles 1/17/17 Draft Plan Presented to CPRA Board 1/18/17 Public Hearing – New Orleans Public Hearing – Houma 1/24/17 Public Hearing – Mandeville 1/25/17 Public Comment Period Closed 3/26/17 Final Plan Presented to CPRA Board 4/19/17 Final Plan submitted to State Legislature April 2017 Official Public Hearings and other meetings are listed at www.coastal.la.gov

Ongoing Initiatives

Major Funding Sources State Mineral Revenues $16.9 million, down from usual $30 million due to low oil prices Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA) Up to $140 million to CPRA, beginning in Federal Fiscal year 2018 National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) $1.27 billion grant funding for diversion projects and barrier islands Natural Resources Damages Assessment (NRDA) $5 billion million to restore environmental damages caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act (RESTORE) $812 million plan for 2 large scale restoration projects, adaptive management and parish matching program Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) $80 million estimated for the next 3 fiscal years

Coastal Protection and Restoration Finance Corporation Held meeting with new board members on 12/22/2016 New board members, new administration, finalized GOMESA regulations 2015 meeting produced Resolution/Motion in favor of a statutory change to broaden authority to examine oil spill funds. Statute change was not enacted but a study resolution was passed. Board discussion was in support of expanded authority. Able to move ahead with GOMESA deliberations with or without statutory changes.

Outcome-Based Performance Contracts (“Pay for Success”) CPRA pays for desired outcomes (measurable) Acres of marsh successful Height/length of levee, etc. Put more projects into motion up front Partner provides initial funds to implement Longer term contracts to match payments with success milestones Project risk is shared with contractor

Natural Resources Damages Banking Similar to 404 mitigation banking but related to Natural Resources Damages liabilities resulting from small or simple oil spills Pre-construction of ecosystem restoration projects by private entities using private dollars (private firm also conducts O&M on project) CPRA verifies and validates number of NRD credits created by the project Private entity then able to sell those NRD credits to responsible parties with liabilities

Improving the permitting process Mid-Barataria added to Permitting Dashboard for Federal Infrastructure Projects Online tool to track permitting and review process for large or complex projects Part of larger effort to streamline Federal permitting and review while increasing transparency and improving environmental and community outcomes Transparency Early coordination and synchronization of agency review schedules Consistent data across federal reviewing agencies

Improving the Permitting process Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals for High Priority Infrastructure Projects Executive Order (Jan. 24, 2017) “High Priority” status designation Streamline and expedite environmental reviews and approvals CPRA Submittals: HNC Lock Complex Calcasieu Ship Channel Salinity Control Measures River Reintroduction to Maurepas Swamp Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion