Authorization to Enter Into Contract with Four Consultants for General Plan Implementation Services City Council February 6, 2017
Background Last year staff presented to Council the Department’s strategy to implement the 2015 General Plan Implementation strategy: Timeline: Three year work program Budget: Approximately $4.8 million Scope of Work: Develop new citywide Zoning Districts Update each Specific Plan Modify citywide Design Guidelines
Background Evaluated City staffing resources to implement General Plan Update Determined outside consultants necessary to complete work program in three years Began competitive selection process to procure services
Competitive Bidding vs. Selection Competitive Bidding PMC 4.08.045 - used to procure labor, materials and supplies in excess of $25,000 (ex. tree trimming, vehicle purchases and construction work). Competitive Bidding is a price only selection process where contract award is to lowest Responsive and Responsible bidder. Competitive Selection PMC 4.08.047 - process whereby various criteria are used to determine which proposer offers the City the overall best value (ex. studies and professional services). Professional service firms shall be evaluated and determined on the basis of demonstrated competence and professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of services required. Competitive Selection process was followed based on type of services the City is procuring
Request for Proposals (RFP) In May 2016 the City issued an RFP with scope of work to competitively seek out consultants to perform General Plan Implementation services Proposals were due in June 2016 City received submissions from nine (9) firms Interviews were conducted with all 9 firms in September to clarify scope of work and firms were allowed to re- submit proposals Staff reviewed proposals and rated each category of service based on the criteria established in the RFP Criteria Points Experience 25 Project Approach Staffing of Project/Ability to Perform 20 Project Understanding 15 Best Value/Cost Effectiveness 5 Local Pasadena Business Small/Micro Business Preference Total 100
Recommendation Select the best firms and form a team to conduct the work managed by in-house staff so that all the updates may occur simultaneously Based on the criteria established in the RFP, staff recommends the following firms for General Plan Implementation services: Opticos for Specific Plan, Form Based Coding and Development Standards, and Planning and Urban Design services Moule & Polyzoides for Planning and Urban Design services Placeworks for Specific Plan, Planning and Urban Design, and Environmental Analysis services MIG for Public Outreach services The selected firms scored the highest in the categories of services for which they are recommended
Recommendation Opticos is recommended for specific plan, form based coding and development standards, and planning and urban design services for the following reasons: Experience in both form-based codes and conventional zoning Ability to create new zones that regulate the form and scale of new development in order to ensure new construction is sensitive to the massing, scale, architectural character, landscape design, and relate to the street frontages of existing uses Moule & Polyzoides is recommended for planning and urban design services for the following reasons: A local firm nationally recognized for developing context-sensitive, form based standards Experience in conducting building typologies studies and preparing design guidelines
Recommendation Placeworks is recommended for specific plan, planning and urban design, and environmental analysis services for the following reasons: Uniquely qualified to update the specific plans for conformance with the General Plan as the firm acted as a principal contributor and author of both the General Plan and EIR Extensive experience with writing specific plans, developing a style template for consistency between multiple specific plans, and incorporating feedback into the plans obtained through community engagement MIG is recommended for public outreach services for the following reasons: A local firm familiar with the many constituencies and stakeholders in the City Ability to relate to diverse audiences and experience with working with a wide range of communities Offer a myriad of creative, innovative, and thoughtful approaches to gain valuable community input
Work Program Organization In order to maximize efficiencies and resources, the City’s Specific Plans were grouped geographically by common character and needs The following map illustrates the three geographic areas: Northwest Lincoln Avenue Fair Oaks/Orange Grove North Lake Central Central District East Colorado South Fair Oaks East Pasadena Lamanda Park
Work Program Organization
Fiscal Impact Proposed contracts total in aggregate $5,557,433 and are to be funded by awarded grants and the Building Fund: Metro Grant $1,500,000 SGC Grant $399,985 Building Fund $3,657,448 Funding for this action will utilize existing FY 2017 budgeted appropriations of $2,249,428 in the Community Planning Consultant Services account Appropriations in subsequent years for contract costs will be authorized through the City’s budget process
Recommendation to Council Find that action proposed is not a project subject to CEQA as defined in Section 21065 of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines Section 15060 (c)(2), 15060 (c)(3), and 15378 Authorize the City Manager to enter into contracts with the following firms for an amount not to exceed $5,557,433 for General Plan Implementation services: Placeworks for an amount not to exceed $2,079,999 for specific plan, planning and urban design, and environmental services; Opticos for an amount no to exceed $2,302,434 for specific plan, form based coding and development regulations, and planning and urban design services; Moule & Polyzoides for an amount not to exceed $899,999 for planning and urban design services; and MIG for an amount not to exceed $275,000 for public outreach services.
Authorization to Enter Into Contract with Four Consultants for General Plan Implementation Services City Council February 6, 2017
Rankings of Firms by Category
Rankings of Firms by Category
Rankings of Firms by Category
Rankings of Firms by Category
Rankings of Firms by Category
Rankings of Firms by Category
General Plan Implementation Since March 2016, City staff has been: Creating a detailed scope of work for the General Plan Implementation Program Conducting preliminary analysis of existing zoning and consistency with updated General Plan Preparing detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) Releasing RFP and engaging in consultation selection process Defining and clarifying individual roles for the various consultants preliminarily identified for the General Plan Implementation Team
Slides 1/25/16 Council meeting City Council January 25, 2016
General Plan Implementation Council adopted the General Plan Update in August 2015 Comprehensively updated the Land Use & Mobility Elements of the General Plan
General Plan Implementation City must now focus its attention on aligning existing development regulations & guidelines with newly adopted General Plan
General Plan Implementation State Law requires consistency between the General Plan and Zoning Land Use Element included an Implementation Program with a number of action items Focus is on bringing the City’s Zoning Code and specific plans into conformance with the General Plan General Plan Adoption Follow-up Update the Zoning Code Update each specific plan In addition, the City would be establishing new citywide Design Guidelines
Looking Back at Past Implementation Implementation of the 1994 General Plan took approximately 11 years to complete 1994 General Plan Revision Adopted 2004 General Plan Update Adopted Updated the Zoning Code Established 7 Specific Plans Created Design Guidelines