Week 5 Vocabulary “To Kill A Mockingbird”
Wallowing (Adj.) Heavily indulging in; rolling in
Auspicious (Adj.) Presenting favorable circumstances
Abominable (Adj.) Detestable or unpleasant
Aloof (Adj.) Distant or unfeeling
Prowess (N.) Superior skill or ability; strength or courage
Embalming (V.) Treating with preservations to prevent decay
Vigil (N.) Wakefulness maintained in reverence to another person, usually after one’s death
Feeble (Adj.) Physically weak from age or sickness; frail
Unfathomable (Adj.) Difficult or impossible to understand
Cleaved (V.) Adhered to closely; clung to
Ascertaining (V.) Discovering with certainty; determining
Mortification (N.) A feeling of shame or humiliation
Sojourn (N.) A brief, temporary stay
Assuaged (V.) Made less severe or burdensome
Vexations (N.) Irritations or annoyances