F. Bellini for the DQM core DQM meeting, 04th October 2012 DQM system status F. Bellini for the DQM core DQM meeting, 04th October 2012
Outline Last DQM meeting 04th September 2012: Minutes: System status https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=203803 Minutes: https://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?resId=minutes&materialId=minutes&confId=203803 System status Feedback from pA pilot run Detectors software status DQM shifts and training On-call training DQM status 04/09/12
System status Latest news from P2: No major problems with DQM framework System is running smoothly Software updated regularly (thanks Adriana and Barth) Occasional crashes of T00QA, frequent crashes of ZDC01 both under investigation by experts Implementation of thresholds – status: All detectors have thresholds and automatic checks except PMD QAchecker still to be implemented by PMD, TRD*(presentation today) Propagation of quality flags to GUI color box SSD, EMC, SPD need to check and debug propagation of quality flags T0, MTR do not have the color box Shifts and training see dedicated slide DQM status 04/09/12
Feedback from pA pilot run Run 188359 of the 13/09/2012 Thanks to Mihai! DQM status 04/09/12
Feedback from pA pilot run Pilot pA run on 12-13/09 System run smoothly no new plots were implemented dedicated general GUI layout created for the long pA data taking event size values recorded as reference for the long pA Screenshots taken during pA for each detector have been sent to the DQM responsibles Available information to already set thresholds and prepare documentation before the long pA What’s next all detectors have to: Make all the necessary changes to the software before the pA Add a chapter in the documentation with reference for the pA run + screenshot Preparation for pA: DEADLINE 04/12/12 DQM status 04/09/12
Detector software status - overview Implementation status, 03.10.12 ACO EMCAL FMD HMPID MCH MTR PHOS PMD SDD SPD SSD T0 TOF TPC TRD V0 ZDC DAQ HLT Trigger Agents issues *QADataMakerRec *QAChecker (flag) Dup. by trg classes * H Cloning request file Thresholds config file Thresholds (macro) Thresholds QA Savannah open 1 Ok In progress Not done Does not apply Waiting for porting * = duplication required in the past, not used now H = splitting requested for A-A, p-A DQM status 04/09/12
DQM shifts and training EOS report subsystem not selected on the EOS reports subscribe to the alice-dqm-contact-eos@cern.ch mailing list to receive EOS report Crash logs are now attached to EOS reports Regular cleanups of “former issues” established Blackboard cleanup every Friday by DQM on-call established Training 5 general training sessions / 125 people attending Strict policy for DQM training and test has helped better trained shifters Next shifters training not planned – there are no more people to be trained that will have shifts before the end of the year We need more on-call people please volunteer!!! We will have soon an on-call training DQM status 04/09/12
DQM shifts booking and shifts during pA Shift booking Shifts booked till the end of the year IMPORTANT change of policy by RC: shifts cannot be released anymore by user nor SRC: need to find a substitute if cannot attend Shifts during pA Limited duration of pA run (24 days total) RC will open pA shifts for System Coordinators to complete Request for very experienced, very best shifters list of possible shifters for DQM ready the same from the offline side ? Call to sub-systems for recommendations DQM status 04/09/12
first DQM on-call training Doodle will be set to collect name of the participants preferences for the date Expected duration 2h Room at CERN + EVO available Detector DQM experts (and volunteers) are kindly invited to the first DQM on-call training during the last 2 weeks of october DQM status 04/09/12
AOB DQM status 04/09/12
https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/AliceEVE/AliceDQM DQM status 04/09/12
Status of DQM documentation Status on 04/10/2012 ACO DAQ EMCAL FMD HMPID MCH MTR PHOS PMD SDD SPD SSD T0 TOF TPC TRD V0 ZDC VERTEX HLT Trigger AMORE Update TWiki Update blackboard Test for DQM trainees TECH run instructions X Verify event specie Verify data size Provide GUI description Ok Not ok Does not apply In progress X = not monitored DQM status 04/09/12