Traffic Signal Data Sharing to Support Automated Vehicle Applications Regional Transportation Council October 13, 2016 Thank you. Here to ask Committee to approve an effort to use traffic signal data in the region to build applications that will help motorists and vehicles travel more safely and efficiently on our streets and highways. Thomas Bamonte North Central Texas Council of Governments
Agenda Automated Vehicle Deployment Opportunities Using Traffic Signal Data Current Status Recommendation Next Steps I want to take some time to describe the technology and the long-term implications of this connected vehicle initiative and ask for your approval in the end. As I go through this presentation want you to keep in mind that we are dealing with early stage transportation technology—think expansively about the possibilities as this technology matures.
Automated Vehicle Technology Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Autonomous Vehicle Connected Vehicle Vehicle-to-Vehicle Transportation technology is changing rapidly so I wanted to do quick recap on four related technologies that fall under the umbrella of “automated vehicles.” -- Autonomous vehicle technology is in-vehicle technology that takes on driving functions—the driverless car --Connected vehicle technology connects vehicles to the Internet using wireless -- V2V involves vehicles communicating basic information about themselves—speed, direction of travel, etc.—to each other -- V2I involves a similar kind of communication between vehicles and the infrastructure.
Automated Vehicle Technology Autonomous Vehicle Connected Vehicle Vehicle-to-Vehicle Vehicle-to-Infrastructure
Traffic Signal to Vehicle Communication Traffic Signal Data Expert What we are dealing with today is traffic signal information—signal phase and timing data. Used to be that stoplights were stand-alone mechanical gadgets. Now they are smart electronic devices that are networked to traffic management centers and can supply in real time the status of the traffic lights. This data pretty much lies around, but now there are experts who are equipped to gather traffic signal data from cities.
Traffic Signal to Vehicle Communication Traffic Signal Data Expert The data expert analyzes and optimizes the traffic signal data and then sends this data to automobile manufacturers. The auto manufacturers use this optimized data to feed apps in the vehicle that help navigate along a road with signalized intersections. The goal is to smooth out travel, increase vehicle throughput and reduce the vehicle emissions from stop-start-stop driving today. OEMs
Traffic Signal to Vehicle Communication Going to play this video showing how one auto company is starting to use traffic signal data to build products. The video also points out how sharing traffic signal data is part of a much larger effort to share information among vehicles, infrastructure and highway authorities as part of our automated vehicle future. Transportation, Air Quality, Safety Benefits Early Adopter Status Attract Automated Vehicle Developers to Region Develop In-House ITS Expertise Leverage Private Sector Expertise Build on Existing ITS Work
Network Architecture & Security
Current Status Partner Agency Interest in V2I Traffic Signal Projects OEM Interest in North Texas V2I Traffic Signal Services Sample Agreement between Partner Agency and Traffic Data Expert Draft Agreement between NCTCOG and Traffic Data Expert Draft RFP to Identify Other Interested Parties in V2I Traffic Signal Projects We’ve made a lot of progress: -- Strong interest by traffic engineers in region in sharing traffic signal data to support connected vehicle applications. -- OEMs are interested in rolling out new applications to their North Texas customers. We have a data expert and an OEM that are poised to get going -- We’ve put together a sample agreement our regional partners can use when dealing with data experts and another agreement that gives us access to performance reports supplied by the vendor to our regional partners. -- Drafted an RFP so we can canvass the market and see if there are others with an interest in improving transportation using an app.
Recommendation Approve pursuit of traffic signal data-sharing agreements in cooperation with regional partners to support automated vehicle applications in the region. Ask you to approve this traffic data sharing initiative.
Next Steps Task Timeframe Issue RFP October Brief ITS Stakeholders Task Force November First traffic signal V2I pilot Briefing for traffic engineers RFP responses due December Brief STTC/RTC Early 2017 If you do so, these are the next steps.
Contact Information Thomas J. Bamonte, Program Manager 817-704-5604 Twitter: @TomBamonte Thank you.. Happy to take any questions.