Achievements Transfer of Funds: All MDM Funds are directly E-transfer to the Accounts of the Schools and also to the Accounts of the Districts. 2. Payment of Honorarium to Cook-cum-helpers: Payment of Honorarium to cook-cum-helpers is being done by e-transfer to those cook-cum-helpers who have their personal account
3. Payment to FCI : 100% achievement till the 3rd Quarter 2016-17. 4. Capacity Building to Cook-cum-helpers: A total of 656 master trainer cooks and 153 teachers have been trained in collaboration with Institute of Hotel Management, Shillong and Food Craft Institute, Tura. Action Plan has been developed and the training will be starting soon.
5. Data Entry into the MIS Portal of MDM: There is a significant improvement in the Data Entry into the MIS Portal of MDM. 6. Contingency Plan: The State Government developed a contingency plan for meeting any emergency/accident in respect of MDM and the same has been issued to the Districts and Schools. 2016-17 Annual Data Entry Monthly Entry 100% 84%
Performance During 2016-17
Physical Achievement (As on 31.12.2016) 1.Number of Schools Approved by GOI Coverage LPS UPS OoSC Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7868 3253 729 11850 7854 3242 594 11690 2. Number of Children Sl. No Component PAB Approval 2016-17 Actual Enrolment Achievement as on 31.12.0016 % Coverage Vrs Actual 1 Children (Pry) 386285 419174 385021 91.85% Children (U.Pry) 140662 177252 142364 80.31% Total Children 526947 596326 527385 88.43%
Total No. of cook-cum-helpers approved Contd.. 3. Cook-Cum-Helpers Sl. No. Stage Total No. of cook-cum-helpers approved No. of cooks appointed 1 2 3 4 Primary 13143 13100 U Primary 4646 Total 17789 17746 4. Foodgrain (In MTs) Allocation OB Lifting Consumed Balance Pry 7725.70 143.47 6264.43 6358.16 49.74 U. Pry 4641.85 83.34 3633.32 3700.92 15.75 Total 12367.55 226.81 9897.75 10059.08 65.49
Target (Units Sanctioned) Contd.. 5. Construction of Kitchen Sheds Target (Units Sanctioned) Constructed In Progress Not Started 9491 9144 100 247 N.B: 247 schools approved during 2011-12 have refunded the funds for construction of kitchen-cum-store in which they have received funds for the same from other sources. The total amount refunded by 247 schools to State office is Rs.5.85 Crores. A Proposal have been made to GOI to allow the state to divert these 247 kitchen-cum-store to those schools which have not get kitchen sheds vide letter NO.EDN.351/2009/190 Dated:2.8.2016. 6. Procurement of Kitchen Devices Years Target (Units Sanctioned) Procured In Progress Not yet procured 2 3 4 5 6 2007-2016 (New) 12089 2011-2017 (Replacement) 8882 7444 36 1402
School Health Programe The Health Department has worked out the plan and the report is placed below:- During the last SLSMC Meeting, the Chief Secretary inform the members that a separate review meeting on Schools Health Programme will be held after the Assembly Session As per report received from Health Department Target Health Check-ups 463002 Children Check-ups have been carried out 302881 Distribution of Weekly Iron and Folic Acid tablets 184497 Distribution of and Deworming tablet 179813 Distribution of spectacles 1092
School Health Programme
Financial Achievement 2016-17 (As on 31.12.2016) Component Budget Provision (Financial Target as per PAB) Financial Expenditure % of Utilisation Central State Total Recurring Assistance Cost of Foodgrain 371.03 0.00 296.93 80% Conversion Cost 4498.85 623.54 5122.39 3321.37 369.52 3690.89 72% Honorarium to cooks 1646.01 185.89 1831.90 1160.90 128.99 1289.89 70% Transportation Assistance 121.20 71.38 59% MME 119.30 65.95 55% 6756.39 809.43 7565.82 4916.53 498.51 5415.04
Fund Received during 2016-17 (As on 31.12.2016) Particulars Amount in Lakhs Date of Release Central State Share Total State A. Recurring Funds Adhoc Installment 1449.65 138.81 1588.46 18.4.2016 6.6.2016 (ST) 9.6.2016 (CSS) Balance of 1st Installment 2240.36 232.01 2472.37 27.6.2016 16.8.2016 3690.01 370.82 4060.83
Financial Achievement Vrs. Fund Availability as on 31.12.2016 Component OB as on 1.4.2016 Corpus Fund Fund Received Total Fund Availa-bility Expen-diture Un-spend balance % Exp A) Recurring Assistance Cost of Foodgrain 276.86 0.00 217.37 494.23 229.64 264.59 46.46% Conversion Cost 167.26 830.18 2693.35 3690.89 100.00% Honorarium to cooks 85.55 170.72 1014.86 1271.16 Transportation Assistance 71.38 MME 5.46 63.87 69.33 59.72 9.61 86.14% Total 535.13 1000.00 4060.83 5596.99 5322.79 274.20 95.10%
Remarks Payment to FCI is upto the 3rd Quarter of 2016-17 and there is no pending Bills Cooking Cost and Honorarium to Cook-cum-helpers has been made up to November 2016. Transportation Cost have been released for 60% to the Districts. MME has been utilised and only salary is being kept.
MIS-Portal – Annual Entry Status 2016-17
MIS-Portal – Monthly Entry Status 2016-17
Proposal for 2017-18
Propose Institutions 2017-18 Sl. No. Category Schools Total of Schools Proposed to be Covered in 2017-18 No. Of Schools No. Of Special Training Centers 1 Primary 7858 509 8367 2 Upper Primary 3248 154 3402 Total 11106 663 11769
Proposal for Coverage of Children in 2017-18 Sl. No Component Actual Enrolment Proposal for 2017-18 1 Children (Pry) 419174 385021 Children (U Pry) 177252 142364 Total Children 596326 527385 31
Physical Targets for 2017-18 Proposal for 2017-18 S. No Component 2 Working Days (Primary & Up.Pry) 200-Py 220-Upy 4 Cook cum Helpers 18319 5 Kitchen cum Store Nil 6 Kitchen Devices 1192 32
Financial Requirements for 2017-18 Rs. In Lakhs Recurring Central and State Assistance Components Central State Total A) Recurring Assistance Cost of Foodgain 371.95 0.00 Cooking Cost 4605.96 509.90 5115.86 Honorarium to Cook cum helper 1648.71 560.95 2209.66 Transportation 121.50 MME 121.47 6869.59 1070.85 7940.44 B) Non-Recurring Assistance Kitchen-Sheds Kitchen Devices 59.60 G. Total (A+B) 6929.19 8000.04
Issues Enhancement of Honorarium to Cook-Cum-Helpers: The State Proposed to enhance the honorarium to cook-cum-helpers to Rs.3,000/- p.m. at par with un-skilled daily wages rate. Transportation Assistance (Approval of GOI for new Transport Assistance Rate proposed @ Rs.193.47 per quintals as notified by Department of Food & Civil Supplies, GOM). MHRD is requested to approve the notified rate of Rs.193.47 per quintal. Fund for Social Audit- Presently there is no specific allocation for conducting of social audit. Enhancement of MME Fund – State proposed to enhance MME fund from 1.8% to 3.5% at par with SSA. If enhancement is recommended some fund can be earmarked for conducting of Social Audit.
Action Taken on Commitment Made By The State In Last PAB Meeting.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB 1 Low coverage of children in Upper Primary. The State Government to take corrective measures to resolve the issue of low coverage of children in upper primary schools. Steps has been taken to cover more children under Mid Day Meal in upper primary section. Instructions were issued to all the Districts/Sub-Divisional officers to see that more children are covered under the scheme. Hence, the coverage of upper primary children during 2016-17 is more than the PAB approval.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB 2 Use of firewood for preparation of MDM in schools Commitment: The Principal Secretary assured to increase LPG coverage to at least 50% of the schools in the State. The State Government has initiated the process to shift from fire fuel to LPG cooking Gas for Mid Day Meal Schools at least in Urban, Sub-Divisions Head Quarters and Block Head Quarters initially. The supply and procurement of LPG cooking gas to Mid Day Meal Schools has been taken up with the respective Dy. Commissioners (Supply). The list of 1437 schools in urban areas/block headquarters have been identified to start with.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB 3 Non-coverage of Special Training Centres during 1st and 2nd Quarter of 2015-16 Commitment: All Special Training Centres under SSA during 2016-17 would be covered under Mid Day Meal. Actually Centers are available to conduct Special Training Programme but the children are not willing to enroll in Special Training Programme under OoSC, hence the centre is not functioning.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB 4 Zero opening balance of food grains and very nominal opening balance of cooking cost Steps have been taken to ensure that all schools have buffer stock of food grains. Further, Corpus fund of Rs.10 Crores is maintained and used for meeting the cooking cost as and when fund is awaited from Govt. of India.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB 5 Poor inspection of schools Commitment: SSA manpower will also be used for inspection of MDM schools. During 2016-17, every efforts is being made to improve the school inspection. Till December 2016, 6672 schools have been inspected by the officers of the Districts, Inspecting staff and also officers from the Education Department.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB 6 Poor implementation of Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)/School Health Programme (SHP) The Health Department has worked out the plan and the report is placed below:- During the last SLSMC Meeting, the Chief Secretary inform the members that a separate review meeting on Schools Health Programme will be held after the Assembly Session As per report received from Health Department Target Health Check-ups 463002 Children Check-ups have been carried out 302881 Distribution of Weekly Iron and Folic Acid tablets 184497 Distribution of and Deworming tablet 179813 Distribution of spectacles 1092
School Health Programme
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB 7 Construction of Kitchen shed-cum-store room Commitment: 446 kitchen- cum-store will be completed by 31.12.2016 Proposal for construction of 446 kitchen-cum-store have already been submitted to Ministry of HRD, Department of School Education and Literacy, New Delhi vide letters (1)NO.EDN.331/2009/186, Dated: 20.5.2016 and (2) No.EDN.351/2009/192, Dated:.8.8.2016. Till date sanction is awaited from Govt. of India. 8 Payment of Honorarium to cook-cum-helpers through their Bank Accounts Payment of Honorarium to 7002 cook-cum- helpers to their personal bank account is done by e-transfer. Instruction were issued to all the districts to instruct the schools that cook -cum- helpers engaged in the school should open a bank account so that honorarium can be directly transferred to their bank account. Further, most of the cook-cum-helpers do not have personal bank account in rural areas which do not have easy access to banks.
Action taken on commitment made by the State in last PAB 9 Qualitative Initiatives Testing of food samples by accredited labs The Pasteur Institute, Shillong has been identified for testing of food samples. To ensure quality of the meals and appropriate nutrition standard in the Mid Day Meal Scheme, the comments and views on the Draft Testing Protocol received from the Dy. Commissioner of Food Safety, Health Department Govt. of Meghalaya has been forwarded to the Government of India vide letter No. EDN.95/2016/46 dated Shillong, the 14th June, 2016. 11 Tasting of meals by parents Instructions were issued by the Sub Divisional School Education Officers to the schools to see that parents present in the schools should taste the meal before serving to the school children. A tasting register is also being maintained in all the schools. 12 Handwashing Instructions have been issued to all the schools by Sub Divisional School Education officers to see that school children should wash their hands before and after having Mid Day Meal.