Introduction of ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY Amiliana Mardiani Soesanto, MD Non Invasive and Cardiac Imaging Division Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Medical Faculty University of Indonesia National Cardiac Center Harapan Kita
Echocardiography procedure Cardiac Ultrasound Non Invasive Diagnostic Test Trans-thoracic Echocardiography Semi Invasive Diagnostic Test Trans-Esophageal Echocardiography
Echocardiography Cardiac Imaging extension of the physical examination Ultra sound principal 2 MHz – 7.5 MHz Operator dependent technique
The modality M-mode 2 dimension echocardiography Doppler : colour spectral tissue 3 dimension echocardiography
M-mode and 2-D
Colour Doppler
Spectral Doppler
Spectral Doppler and Tissue Doppler The hemodynamic Late 70’s Mid 90’s
3 dimension echocardiography
3 dimension echocardiography
Cardiac Imaging Transthoracic Echo
Indication of Echo examination Cardiac Anatomy and function Valves morphology and function Cardiac structural abnormality Cardiac Masses / Abnormal structures Haemodynamic conditions
1. Cardiac Anatomy and Function
1. Cardiac Anatomy and Function Systolic function : Ejection Fraction LVEDD, LVESD
1. Cardiac Anatomy and Function Diastolic function E/A rasio
2. Valve Morphology and Function
2. Valve Morphology and Function
2. Valve Morphology and Function
2. Valve Morphology and Function
3.Cardiac Structural Abnormality
4.Cardiac Masses / Abnormal Structural
5. Hemodynamc Assessment
Specific Procedures Stress Echocardiography Transoesophageal Echocardiography
Stress Echocardiography Exercise Stress Test Pharmacological Stress Test Diagnostic study for CAD Viability Study for CAD Intervention Strategy
Stress Echocardiography
Transoesophageal echocardiography Pemeriksaan semi invasif echocardiography melalui esofagus
The end