Room 111 News Friday January 8, 2016 Important dates: Next week’s Shine student is Caroline Thursday 1/14: Unit 2 Religion test and Spelling Test List 8 Friday 1/15: End of 2nd Quarter Monday 1/18: NO SCHOOL—MLK Jr. Day Week of 1/19: Our Father oral prayer test Monday 1/25: Art Show and Open House 6:30-8:00 pm Wednesday 1/27: Progress reports issued Saturday 1/30: SPX Family Dance! Save the Date!!! Saturday 3/5: SPX Night in Green auction! Save the Date!!! Important Information: There WILL BE a spelling test next week! List 8 words Welcome back everyone! It’s so great to see all these fresh faces ready to work in 2016 ! New and exciting this week: We took our first Accelerated Reader tests! See the back of this sheet for more info on the Accelerated Reader program. We will be practicing our math facts with XtraMath weekly from now on. This will be the main way I will be assessing math fact knowledge and retention this year. Your child will get a score out of 100 in both addition and subtraction. We are working toward a goal of at least 85/100 for addition facts and 85/100 for subtraction facts. Your child can practice at home as much as he or she (or you) wants! Other math fact apps and flashcards are also a great way to practice facts. Night in Green is just around the corner. I want to thank those of you that have sent in donations to our class basket! Our class basket theme is “Movie Night”. A letter went home before Christmas explaining how you can help. Contact Mrs. Gerardi with any questions. Thank you to everyone that sent in food for the food pantry in December. Our class went well over our goal and the school brought in around 3000 items! Wow! Thank You to our parent party helpers for throwing our Christmas Party! Fun was had by all! I am going to give your child a reader next week that they may bring home to use for the daily homework. This is not a mandatory book to read but I just thought it might be fun to have a change. Return the book when you are finished. If you are not interested in the book just return it right away. In Religion this week we finished Chapter 8 about our Church Family in our books. We will take that chapter test early next week. Chapter 8 also marked the end of Unit 2. The study guide for the Unit 2 Religion test is in today’s envelope. The test will be next Thursday 1/14. We will also be having a prayer test on the Our Father during the week of 1/19. Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.