Invasive Species By Thorin Ossman
Snakehead The Snakehead fish is a large fish that originated from Asia. It gets its name from it’s snake like appearance. They protect their nests aggressively and will bite you with their sharp teeth. These are found in New York . You are allowed to kill them on site.
The Common Starling The starling is an invasive bird brought over by a guy who wanted to bring every bird mentioned by Shakespeare to America. They will eat other bird’s eggs and take over their nests. They are very noisy . You are allowed to shoot them on site. They are found in NY
Goby fish The goby fish is a fresh water fish originally found in the black and Caspian seas. They were introduced to the great lakes. They eat native fish eggs which isn’t good. Their teeth are sharp. They are found in ny waters.
Emerald ash borer The emerald ash borer is a beetle that first originated from Asia. It most likely came here by shipping crates. It bores into ash trees and lays eggs in them. The larva eat the inner bark and eventually kill the tree. They are found in NY unfortionaly.
Japanese beetle The Japanese beetle was originally found in Japan. They are large colorful beetles that will bite. They eat the leaves of fruit plants like raspberry plants. They are found all over NY.
Asian grass carp The Asian grass carp was found around china. The Asian grass carp was found around china. It at first eats algae and sea weed. After that is gone they will eat anything including other fish. They are found in lots of bodies of water all around NY.
Zebra Mussel The zebra mussel was originally found in lakes south of Russia but they made it here via boat ballasts. They are filter feeders that eat plankton. They turn the water clear which isn’t good because other fish don’t get to eat the plankton . If you step on them, they will cut you. They are found in NY including Chautauqua lake and lake Erie.
Kudzu The kudzu plant was originally found in Asia. It grows around trees and houses and starts eating it. This causes al lot of money to be spent on new power lines too. They were introduced here as a shade plant. They like tropical climates so they will not be found here.
Feral Pig The feral pig is a pig that has become wild. The feral pig is a pig that has become wild. They can grow very large. They eat farmer’s crops and are very pesky. They are shot on site in most places. They have been found in new York.
Sea Lamprey The sea lamprey was originally found in the Atlantic Ocean The sea lamprey was originally found in the Atlantic Ocean They stick on to fish and suck their insides out until they die The are found in the great lakes including NY They are killing lots of large lake fish in the lakes We are trying to use lampricides to control them
Japanese lady bug The Japanese lady but originated from Japan They are like our native lady bug but they bite and stink They will swarm in a home As soon as they find a way in they will swarm there and hibernate for the winter They are found in NY everywhere
Giant Hogweed The giant hogweed originated from Europe They can grow to 14 feet Do not touch because the sap it phototoxic which means if you touch it, it will burn your skin for a long time They can be identified by it white flowers and purple splotches on the stem These can be found in NY