Tier 2 team Checkup Intervention & Data April 2016 (19th, 26th) Administration BLDG.
First things… Consider this with a neighbor
Everyone Gets What They Need!
Objectives District Data Update SEL & PBIS Data Interventions and Sharing
District Data Update Tier 1 – 81% Tier 2 – 67% Tier 3 – 0% Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) – % of Schools at Full Implementation Tier 1 – 81% Tier 2 – 67% Tier 3 – 0%
District Data Update Average Referrals Per Day/Per Month– Goal: 270-405 (based on 2-3 per day/per 100 students and enrollment of 13,485)
District Data Update (Majors only) as of 4/14/15
District Data Update
What is SEL? Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to… understand and manage emotions set and achieve positive goals feel and show empathy for others establish and maintain positive relationships make responsible decisions
Illinois SEL Standards Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success. Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships. Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Supports Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Tier 3 Intensive, Individual, Intervention Individual Students Assessment-based Tier 3 Intensive, Individual, Intervention Individual Students Assessment-based FBA/BIP Counseling SEL Instructional Practices Individual Skills Instruction Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) Social & Academic Instructional Groups (SAIG) Groups with Individualized Features (GWIF) Individual Triage Practicing Skills Behavioral Lesson Plans Counseling Mentoring Sensory Breaks Self-monitoring sheet Visual Aids Evaluation of Environment Brief FBA Why Try Second Step Restorative Practices SEL Instructional Practices Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid Response Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid Response Prevention Pre-teach Clear Expectations Procedures Gateway Behaviors Goal Setting Praise (4:1) Proximity Class Meetings/Morning Meeting/Advisory Restorative Practices Bullying Prevention SEL Instructional Practices Tier 1 Universal Interventions All Students Preventive & Proactive Communication Staff, Students, Families, Community Data Collection ULT & PBIS Leadership Teams Newsletters Parent University School-wide Management Common Area Expectations Teaching Expectations Procedures School-wide Level Boosters/Triage Acknowledgement System Interventions Class Meetings Classroom & Grade Level Specific Boosters/Triage Advisory Caring Confrontation Safe Seat/Buddy Room SEL Instruction/Curriculum Restorative Practices Tier 1 Universal Interventions All Students Preventive & Proactive
United Way Committee For Social Emotional And Behavioral Health Survey of 1000 parents found that the number 1 identified need is… Self-Regulation Behaviorally - the ability to act in your long-term best interest, consistent with your deepest values. (Violation of one's deepest values causes guilt, shame, and anxiety, which undermine well being.) Emotionally - the ability to calm yourself down when you're upset and cheer yourself up when you're down.
Remember… PBIS is a Framework, not a program
The PBIS Framework…Built and customized by each school IDEA ARTIFACT Behavioral Expectations Behavioral Matrix Teaching Expectations Lesson Plans (Cool Tools) Schedule for teaching expectations Problem Definitions & Procedures Definitions of Major and Minor Behaviors T-Chart of Major and Minor Behaviors (Teacher vs. Office Managed) Flow Chart for Responding to Problem Behavior Feedback & Acknowledgement Acknowledgement Matrix Faculty Involvement Process for sharing data and gaining feedback from faculty Student/Family/ Community Involvement Process for sharing information and including students/families/community in planning Data-based Decision Making Process and plan for using data for problem solving Professional Development Timeline and plan for Kickoffs (faculty/student/family) Action Plan SEL Plan The PBIS Framework…Built and customized by each school Where does Tier 2 fit in this framework and how?
What about Social Emotional Learning? 1 Minute Table Talk… Where does SEL fit into the PBIS Framework…especially Tier 2? Speed Round…Choose a couple of ideas to share
Tier 2 Interventions: Check-in/check-out Students check-in with designated CICO Facilitator(s) before the beginning and at the end of each school-day to receive positive contact, pre-corrects, reminders of school-wide expectations and, if needed, basic school supplies. At the end of each class period, classroom teachers provide youth positive behavioral feedback, based on the school-wide expectations, on a Daily Progress Report Card (DPR). Share
Tier 2 Interventions: Social/Academic Instructional Groups SAIG supports students in small groups for direct instruction of school-wide expectations and/or replacement behaviors, including structured practice and direct behavioral feedback. Intervention leads to generalization most effectively when youth are also supported by CICO, where classroom teachers provide youth positive behavioral feedback on a DPR related to their transference of newly learned skills taught during group. Share
Tier 2 Interventions: Individualized Cico & Mentoring Individualized CICO has most of the same features as the generic CICO but includes some fairly simple individualizations (i.e. change in location of CICO, addition of more check-ins, etc.) without creating individual student goals or goal lines (which would only come after an FBA/BIP). Mentoring involves one adult meeting with one or more students at a time, one or more times per week, to provide pre-corrects and a positive connection with the school through a supportive relationship. Share
Coming Soon to a School Near You!!! Tier 2 Interventions: Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Plan FBA/BIP’s are developed for one student at a time based on a brief assessment of function of behavior by the problem- solving team. The plans address only one behavior and typically only one setting. Interventions are chosen or designed based on strengths, assessed function of behavior, and skills-deficits. Coming Soon to a School Near You!!!
10 Critical Features of Tier 2 Interventions Intervention linked directly to school wide expectations and/or academic goals. Intervention continuously available for student participation. Intervention is implemented within 3 school days of determining the student is in need of the intervention Intervention can be modified based on assessment and/or outcome data Handout
10 Critical Features continued… Intervention includes structured prompts for what to do in relevant situations. Intervention results in students receiving positive and/or corrective feedback from staff. Intervention includes a school-home communication exchange system at least weekly.
10 Critical Features continued… Orientation process and introduction to materials is provided for students as they begin the intervention Orientation to and materials provided for staff/sub’s/volunteers who have students using the intervention. Ongoing information shared with staff. Opportunities to practice new skills are provided daily.
DATA- Based decisions
Data to consider: Major & Minor Referral Data (Pinpoint) Absence & Tardy Data Suspension Data (ISS and OSS) PBIS Assessment Data Other Data
Pinpoint Analytics to identify students and their intervention needs? Is your team using Pinpoint Analytics to identify students and their intervention needs?
PBIS Apps to identify your school & staff needs? Is your team using PBIS Apps to identify your school & staff needs?
Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool Handout
Tracking Tool to me by May 20 Handout PBIS Assessment Tool Purpose Responsible Team/Person Completion Window Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) Provides a quick check of necessary activities for implementation and support needs Tier 1 As Needed Based on Team Functioning and School Implementation Level School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory Provides an itemized rubric to guide action planning at all three tiers of implementation. Tier 1 and 2 Teams October/November 2015 January/February 2016 April/May 2016 Mini School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Provides school-wide implementation fidelity data for use in Tier 1 problem solving. District RtI Facilitator As Scheduled/ As Needed Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) Assists with annual action planning, internal decision-making, assessment of change over time, awareness of building staff and team validation. Tier 1 Team November – December 2015 Tier2/Tier3 Interventions Tracking Tool Assists schools in designing systems at the Tier2/Secondary & Tier 3/Tertiary tiers of intervention, identifying areas of strength and need in current systems and supporting team procedures to be consistent, proactive and objective (data based). Tier 2 Team Updated Monthly September through May School Recognition Application Although the application isn’t an assessment tool, it is an opportunity for schools to review successes and be recognized for their implementation efforts. Tier 1 and Tier 2 Teams Deadline for submission: May 2016 WINDOW OPEN April 25- May 25 Complete with Tier 1 Team – 1 ENTRY ONLY Email April & May Tracking Tool to me by May 20
Intentional SEL Planning Important!!! Intentional SEL Planning
SEL Plan Goal Sheet (last page of plan)
Tier 2 Handbook Guidelines…Your Tier 2 Handbook should include: Team Members Goal Statement Description of Roles Coordinator, Facilitators, Teachers, Students, Parents Description of each intervention (CICO, SAIG Groups (each one), GWIF Criteria for each intervention: IN/ON/OUT Daily Progress Report (DPR) Request for Assistance Reverse Request for Assistance Parent Informational Letter
Reminder… PBIS Recognition 4 levels of recognition Bronze (completed TFI) Silver (80% on at least on Tier of the TFI) Gold (TFI, brief survey, submit supplemental documents) Platinum (TFI, brief survey, submit supplemental documents) Applications will be submitted online Watch email and www.midwestpbis.org for updates
resources Milwaukee SAIG Curriculum http://mps.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/en/Families/Family-Services/Intervention-- -PBIS/SAIG-Curriculum.htm Australia SAIG Curriculum https://fuse.education.vic.gov.au/pages/View.aspx?pin=5DZ88S#PackageIt emsTab Equitable Preparation http://learn.vifprogram.com/rs/592-NVZ- 327/images/VIF_GlobalEdEquity_final.pdf Midwest PBIS Network www.midwestpbis.org
Self Assessment Survey Tiered Fidelity Inventory Data Sharing Communication Team Functioning Team Time Intentional Goals SEL PLAN Self Assessment Survey Teaching Tiered Fidelity Inventory CHANGING MINDSET Professional Development