INTRODUCTION Conducted a survey to estimate the levels of production in Trinidad and Tobago Survey was conducted during July/August Utilized Trainees from On the Job Training Program- 32 Field Officers from NAMDEVCO- 15 Data Entry – 8
METHODOLOGY LIST FRAME Ministry Registration Database NAMDEVCO’s Farm Certification Program AREA SAMPLE Within each area surveyed- Farmers who are not on the list is still surveyed SURVEY Was based on the Ministry County designation STPW,STPE,STGW,STGE,STAD,CARO,NAMY and VICT.
Constraints Limited Time July/August High Rainfall level July/August 2014 Low Lying areas were not in Production- Southern Area Land Preparation was now commencing in key areas Difficulty in accessing high risk areas with high levels of production
Survey data Total number of Farmers surveyed: 4,721 Farmers under Active Production: 4,146 Land Preparation: 575 Total Acreage Surveyed- 11,276 Acreage under active Production- 10,303.13 Acreage under Land Preparation – 972.87 Yield was estimated for a period of One Year
County Production Commodity Yields County ID Projected Yield (Kg) VICT 26,774,708 NAMY 22,349,203 CARO 21,777,170 STAD 19,006,998 STGE 18,749,752 STGW 9,023,848 STPE 7,646,011 STPW 4,910,959 TOTAL 130,238,649
Top 10 Production Commodity acreage PROJECTED YIELD (Kg) ACREAGE (Acres) CASSAVA 11,828,355 1,253 PLANTAIN 5,865,833 1,235 ORANGE 6,335,813 693 COCONUT 22,811,940 575 SWEET POTATO 5,102,859 518 PUMPKIN 3,155,631 517 DASHEEN 4,385,494 495 WATERMELON 4,458,033 451 CORN 2,365,866 386 HOT PEPPER 4,354,224 360 OTHER 4,795 TOTAL 11,277
Commodities valuation July/august Commodity Projected Yield (Kg) Value Per Kg (TT$) Total Value (TT $) PAW PAW 11,651,007 $ 10.45 $ 121,753,023 COCONUT 22,811,940 $ 4.40 $ 100,372,535 HOT PEPPER 4,354,224 $ 21.13 $ 92,004,755 PINEAPPLE 7,883,730 $ 9.27 $ 73,082,177 DASHEEN 4,385,494 $ 16.31 $ 71,527,402 CASSAVA 11,828,355 $ 5.22 $ 61,744,011 PLANTAIN 5,865,833 $ 10.22 $ 59,948,815 ORANGE 6,335,813 $ 8.39 $ 53,157,468 SWEET POTATO 5,102,859 $ 10.12 $ 51,640,937 CORN 2,365,866 $ 10.00 $ 23,658,659 WATERMELON 4,458,033 $ 4.80 $ 21,398,559 TOTAL $ 730,288,341
Commodity valuation
15 COMMODITIES WITH THE Highest PROJECTED YIELDS Commodity Projected Yield (kg) COCONUT 22,811,940 CASSAVA 11,828,355 PAW PAW 11,651,007 PINEAPPLE 7,883,730 ORANGE 6,335,813 PLANTAIN 5,865,833 SWEET POTATO 5,102,859 CALLALOO BUSH 5,000,304 WATERMELON 4,458.033 DASHEEN 4,385,494 HOT PEPPER 4,354,224 TOMATO 3,298,956 PUMPKIN 3,155,631 RICE 2,977,767 PIMENTO 2,955,695
tomato PROJECTED yield profile County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots Crop Acreage Present (Acres) STPW 51,789 14 5 STPE 101,266 23 9 NAMY 121,468 20 13 STAD 276,432 28 16 VICT 641 85 61 STGE 673,892 48 62 CARO 593,930 65 64 STGW 838,680 121 84
tomato PROJECTED ACREAGE profile County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots Crop Acreage Present (Acres) STPW 51,789 14 5 STPE 101,266 23 9 NAMY 121,468 20 13 STAD 276,432 28 16 VICT 641 85 61 STGE 673,892 48 62 CARO 593,930 65 64 STGW 838,680 121 84
SWEET PEPPER PROJECTED yield profile County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots Crop Acreage Present (Acres) VICT 465,114 70 33.733 STGW 454,853 98 46.055 STGE 231,335.6 39 24.07 CARO 191,237 30 18.438 STAD 104,280 11 5.941 STPW 98,475.3 14 3.717 STPE 62,981 12 4.125 NAMY 13,898 5 4.325
SWEET PEPPER ACREAGE profile County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots Crop Acreage Present (Acres) VICT 465,114 70 33.733 STGW 454,853 98 46.055 STGE 231,335.6 39 24.07 CARO 191,237 30 18.438 STAD 104,280 11 5.941 STPW 98,475.3 14 3.717 STPE 62,981 12 4.125 NAMY 13,898 5 4.325
SWEET PEPPER plot distribution County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots No of Farmers Crop Acreage Present (Acres) VICT 465,114 70 55 33.733 STGW 454,853 98 84 46.055 STGE 231,335.6 39 35 24.07 CARO 191,237 30 18.438 STAD 104,280 11 10 5.941 STPW 98,475.3 14 3.717 STPE 62,981 12 4.125 NAMY 13,898 5 4.325
CASSAVA PROJECTED yield profile County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots Crop Acreage Present (Acres) CARO 4,401,529.5 112 426.173 VICT 2,912,286 215 307.68 NAMY 2,785,605 175 345.345 STPE 729,745 61 70.425 STGE 487,969 55 47.839 STPW 257,633.104 28 24.5 STAD 201,057 47 23.931 STGW 37,230 11 3.65
cassava ACREAGE profile County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots Crop Acreage Present (Acres) CARO 4,401,529.5 112 426.173 VICT 2,912,286 215 307.68 NAMY 2,785,605 175 345.345 STPE 729,745 61 70.425 STGE 487,969 55 47.839 STPW 257,633.104 28 24.5 STAD 201,057 47 23.931 STGW 37,230 11 3.65
cassava PLOT DISTRIBUTION County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots No of Farmers Crop Acreage Present (Acres) CARO 4,401,529.5 112 92 426.173 VICT 2,912,286 215 186 307.68 NAMY 2,785,605 175 123 345.345 STPE 729,745 61 54 70.425 STGE 487,969 55 44 47.839 STPW 257,633.104 28 26 24.5 STAD 201,057 47 23.931 STGW 37,230 11 10 3.65
watermelon PROJECTED yield profile County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots Crop Acreage Present (Acres) NAMY 2,375,778 78 243.75 STAD 670,142 47 76.85 STGE 453,710 19 50.062 STPW 426,818.17 7 23.25 CARO 354,200 24 39 VICT 171,844 11 17.687 STPE 5,541 2 STGW
watermelon ACREAGE PROFILE County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots Crop Acreage Present (Acres) NAMY 2,375,778 78 243.75 STAD 670,142 47 76.85 STGE 453,710 19 50.062 STPW 426,818.17 7 23.25 CARO 354,200 24 39 VICT 171,844 11 17.687 STPE 5,541 2 STGW
watermelon ACREAGE PROFILE County ID Total Projected Yield (Kg) No of Plots No of Farmers Crop Acreage Present (Acres) NAMY 2,375,778 78 72 243.75 STAD 670,142 47 38 76.85 STGE 453,710 19 17 50.062 STPW 426,818.17 7 23.25 CARO 354,200 24 22 39 VICT 171,844 11 17.687 STPE 5,541 2 0.5 STGW
Commodity acreages showing 3 month yield windows YIELD(KG) JUL-SEP YIELD(KG) OCT-DEC CASSAVA 662,549 442,622 PLANTAIN 30,074 1,920 ORANGE 1,363 30,203 COCONUT 343,531 213,753 SWEET POTATO 450,708 470,250 PUMPKIN 877,585 547,854 DASHEEN 189,569 285,713 WATERMELOM 1,420,149 1,416,698 CORN 1,416,155 273,737 HOT PEPPER 41,389 6,120
Farm irrigation Farm Irrigation Present Qty Irrigated 2376 None 1770
Type of access roads TYPE QTY GRAVEL 652 PAVED 2433 UNPAVED/DIRT 1007 NA 54
Survey was conducted during July/August INTRODUCTION Conducted a survey to estimate the demand for Agricultural Produce in Trinidad. The survey targeted commercial institutions which utilized agricultural produce Household demand for agricultural commodities were excluded from this survey Survey was conducted during July/August Utilized Trainees from On the Job Training Program- 32 Research Assistants from NAMDEVCO- 8
METHODOLOGY INSTRUMENT The survey was conducted using the face-to-face method Respondents were interviewed on their purchasing habits, quantities and frequencies of these purchases were recorded AREA SAMPLE The survey was conducted in all major villages and towns in Trinidad and along the main thoroughfares between the town centers Was based on geographic location North Trinidad- Sangre Grande – Chaguaramas, Curepe - Couva South Trinidad- Couva – Marabella, Mayaro – Point Fortin
Survey summary A total of one thousand one hundred and twenty-one (1121) institutions were interviewed during the survey period. Of this roughly 50% or (564) respondents were from the Northern half of the Country, whilst 50% or (557) were from Southern half of the Country. Ownership of Business Type of Business
Survey summary There is disparity in the level of demand between the two regions; of the 47 commodities 40% had significantly higher demand in the Northern region, while 23% of the commodities have greater demand in the Southern region. The Northern region displayed particularly high demand for Lemons (354%), Limes (242%), Oranges (176%), Papaya (150%), Plantain (103%), Mangoes (Green) (1549%) and Hot Pepper (93.8%) as compared to the Southern region; this indicates that the Northern region has a higher propensity to consume these commodities than the Southern region.
Survey summary The Southern region showed particularly high demand for Watermelons (66%), Yams (50%), Bodi (43.3%), Pineapples (42.6%) and Eddoes (33%) compared to the Northern region; this suggests that the Southern region has a greater propensity to consume these commodities compared to the Northern region.
Type of enterprise SUPERMARKETS RESTAURANTS (Food Courts) CATERERS PROCESSORS (Bakeries, Cottage Industries) VEGEMARTS UNVERIFIED (Other Retail Outlets)
Survey population
Root crops
Root crops
Root crops
Condiments and spices
Condiments and spices
Condiments and spices
INSTITUTIONAL BUYERS Security Services National Schools Dietary Services Ltd Regional Health Authorities
NATIONAL DEMAND (MONTHLY) COMMODITY UNIT COMMERCIAL DEMAND INSTITUTIONAL DEMAND TOTAL DEMAND BODI KG 22,281 120,866 143,147 CASSAVA 73,767 70,424 144,191 CABBAGE 100,286 552,077 652,363 DASHEEN LEAVES BUNDLE 79,283 16,236 95,519 PLANTAIN 84,293 16,447 100,740 PUMPKIN 185,091 115,378 300,469 SWEET PEPPERS 46,740 57,049 103,789 SWEET POTATOES 28,684 75,424 TOMATOES 107,319 60,407 167,726
NATIONAL DEMAND (MONTHLY) COMMODITY UNIT TOTAL DEMAND AVERAGE VOLUME NWM BODI KG 143,147 13,125 CASSAVA 144,191 51,532 CABBAGE 652,363 55,111 DASHEEN LEAVES BUNDLE 95,519 19,913 PLANTAIN 100,740 11,653 PUMPKIN 300,469 115,497 SWEET PEPPERS 103,789 15,043 SWEET POTATOES 75,424 159,966 TOMATOES 167,726 49,966