Soldering PCBs – Siren Kit Week 1 of 2 Nick Carter May 18 2016
Activity Plans Soldering a Siren Kit (Elenco SP-1) Week 1 Make a European Police Siren PCB – part 1 Learn Soldering on PCB Breadboard (This is a custom breadboarding kit) Learn how and practice Learn to solder wires in PCB Get parts kit and look at it Learn about soldering Resistors and Capacitors and solder some Solder Resistors (11), Capacitors (6) and wire jumpers (2), Potentiometer (1) Week 2 Make a European Police Siren PCB – part 2 Complete Resistor and Capacitor component soldering – and links (if not done) Learn about Semiconductors soldering and solder them Solder Transistors (2), LEDs (2), Integrated Circuit (1) Learn how the circuit works at high level Solder Speaker and Battery Test the Circuit Learn Unsoldering Change 2 resistors to change the Tone Troubleshoot & fix if necessary.
Introduction to Soldering (PCB Bread boards) Peeuuu! Cool HOT Nick Carter 4/21/2016
ONLY TOUCH or HOLD THIS PART Safety Rules ALWAYS wear SAFETY GOGGLES Soldering Iron CAN BURN YOU BADLY Soldering iron CAN BURN YOUR CLOTHES Soldering iron - in the HAND or in the STAND PUT it back in the STAND when not soldering Cool HOT VERY HOT MELTS METAL ONLY TOUCH or HOLD THIS PART Hot like boiling water OW! OW!
Solder and the Joint Solder is a metal mixture, mostly tin, that melts at 400 deg F (like your kitchen oven on MAX.) Parts connected by solder are JOINED together. It is Solder joint. They are joined in 2 ways: Solder makes a MECHANICAL CONNECTION fastening parts together – used for copper water pipes and electrical circuits Solder makes an ELECTRICAL CONNECTION between the parts – used for electrical circuits To make a good joint, the solder needs to stick to the parts (wet the parts). Wetting is also called “tinning”. It is good to have parts tinned and silvery before soldering. The iron tip needs to be hot, clean and silvery The parts need to be clean so solder will stick to them The parts need to be hot before applying solder Solder contains a chemical – FLUX - that cleans the parts. It makes the smoke you will see. Do not breath this Peeuuu!
Soldering is Joining Things Together We make a solder joint like this Mechanically join the parts or hold them together. They should not move while solder cools. Heat both parts with the soldering iron. 3 to 5 seconds depending on size of wires Too much heat can damage components If the component has more than 2 leads, after 1, go solder a different component and come back so that the component does not overheat Poke the solder wire onto the hot joint and it will melt and wet the parts we want to join Add solder wire until parts are wetted and holes are filled. Take the iron and solder wire off the parts so they can cool (Solder first, or it may stick to the joint) Let the parts cool before moving them. A good solder joint will be shiny. If it looks grainy, melt it and let it cool again.
Soldering PCB – Looks Like This Cool HOT 3. Push Solder into joint 1. Heat both parts with Iron 2. Wait until parts are hot (3-5 seconds) 4. Solder wets both parts 5. Take away solder and iron and let joint cool OOPS Note: If you take away the iron before the solder, the solder may stick to the joint. If this happens put the iron on again to melt it and take away the solder.
PCB Breadboards There are several kinds. Try to find most suitable for what you are building. 1 pad per hole – make connections with wire Groups of pads/holes connected together Has special patterns for surface mount or special components Has holes in groups that can be separated by cutting between them to make smaller groups
PCB Breadboard examples Not always pretty, but functional VERO board Has drill-like tool to cut breaks Added wires to join components
Your Practice Bag Contains Solder Copper Braid Small PCB Breadboard Stripped copper wires One has long bare end
Soldering Practice 1 - Solder Bridges Heat pad, apply solder, make nice low blob. Heat next pad over, apply solder, make blobs join If they don’t join add more solder This is a “solder bridge” joining the pads Remove the bridge by wiping tip of iron between pads Make another bridge and remove it Use the “Solder Wick” copper braid to suck up the extra solder so you separate pads again Push braid on extra solder with iron tip and wait until it heats and sucks up the solder them remove it. Braid gets hot so I made “handles” FYI Another tool for removing solder is a solder sucker Solder is nice and shiny
Soldering Practice 2 – Component Wires Take a jumper wire and feed bare ends of wire through 2 holes and bend apart to stop it falling out, heat wire and pad, apply solder, melt it to wet all parts and cover the pad. Leave other pad unsoldered Apply the iron and count 3 seconds to heat the wire and pad then apply solder – it should flow and wet the pad and wires to join them Do this for 3 wires next to each other – use the one with long end last. Bend the long unsoldered wire ends to go across the other unsoldered pads with wires Solder all 3 pads and make sure all wires are joined. This is how you use this breadboard to make circuits. Trim wire ends. Hold then cut. Top side Bottom side Bend this long wire across on underside
This will work , but……. What could be better with this? Joining wire can touch unused pads - Use pliers to form wire before soldering Bare wire should be on underside. - Push wires through more Solder does not cover wire and pad, - needs longer heat up time and more solder
Planning your Circuit This is like designing a printed circuit board and you can make the design into one later If you have several holes connected together, match up a group of holes with each of the component connections using a hole for each component wire. How many holes for these circuit connections A, B, C, D, E and F? How far apart should we make them? LED D Battery + B A C 4.7K 100 E NPN 4.7K F Battery -
Some Free Design Tools (I have only tried Eagle CAD and 123D) Stripboard Magic Fritzing (for regular breadboards) Eagle CAD – put your component ends on same places as board holes. You can use layout tool but make the breadboard instead of PCB 123D Layout, Simulate, PCB layout not good yet. Working on Eagle CAD file import/export
What is in SIREN Parts Kit DO NOT OPEN SMALL BAGS YET Instruction Manual – Do not need this yet Lots of good information here Use for reference and more detailed learning Several Bags - DO NOT OPEN YET Circuit board Bag with Semiconductors and Copper braid. Bag with card with resistors and capacitors. Speaker 9V battery snap with wires Coil of solid wire Tube of Solder
Soldering Resistors and Capacitors -1 Polarity Resistors go either direction Wire jumpers also. Capacitors go any direction - UNLESS MARKED Do not bend lead close to this part – it can break Negative Sign Ceramic disc capacitor Goes either direction
Soldering Resistors and Capacitors -2 Bend leads over at about 45 degrees so component does not fall out when you turn the board over to solder. Solder it Trim leads Do not bend lead close to this part – it can break Bend Good joint Too cold Too little solder Too much Solder
Solder Resistors, Capacitors and Wires to the PCB Take out the following from the bags Solder tube Bag with resistors and capacitors on card Check none are missing. Check all have proper value - colors match bands and card label. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Get 2 wire links from me ( I cut/stripped them already) Solder wire links first Take one component from the card at a time starting at resistor end, insert, bend leads, recheck the Component number against card, Make sure electrolytic capacitor + and – matches PCB Turn board over, solder leads. Trim leads. Can be done as you go or if the leads are not in the way you can wait and trim several at a time. HOLD THE END OF THE LEAD WHEN YOU CUT IT OR IT MAY HIT SOMEONE!!
Clean-Up and Storage Finish soldering and trimming any component you started Put everything back in the ZIPLOC bag solder unsoldered components, PCB Anything else you got out of the bag, e.g. Manual unless you read it at home – but it is downloadable online. Make sure your name is ON the bag or on paper IN the bag
BAG CHECK Make sure your bag has Your Name Circuit board Bag with Semiconductors and Copper braid. Bag with card with unsoldered resistors and capacitors. Speaker 9V battery snap with wires Coil of solid wire Tube of Solder