Welcome to ELA Workshop with Mrs. McAuliffe in room 7 Please sit at the table where your child’s folder is located after signing in near the classroom door. Look inside the folder to read a message for you. Please answer! Your child is excited to read your response. Thank You!
Who is Mrs. McAuliffe? I have lived in Port Washington for 25 years with my husband and 3 children. My son Matt graduated from West Virginia University in May. My twin daughters Caroline and Madeline are 11th graders at Schreiber. This is my 16th year teaching ELA Workshop in Port Washington, and my 31st year in education. I love teaching middle schoolers.
Who Are You? You are the most important influence in your child’s life. You have my support! THINK ABOUT IT: Is reading an important pastime in your home? What are you reading? Does your child see you reading? (not emails or texts) Do you limit screen time? You should not believe that middle school means “total independence.” Your child still needs you 80% of the time to learn organizational, time management, and study skills! You are someone who should keep in contact with me, your child’s teachers and school so that you are involved in their education.
What is A.I.S? Your child is assigned to Academic Intervention Support: Response to Intervention (R.T.I.) - Tier II (of three) Components, as described on District website: http://www.portnet.org/Page/11846 Placement: Multiple methods of assessment are considered for placement and withdrawal in E.L.A. Workshop classes. The multiple assessments include, but are not limited to: N.W.E.A. fall, winter, and spring results, most recent N.Y.S. English Language Arts level score, and any other pertinent information related to a student's grade-level proficiency in the English Language Arts. Students are placed in classes based on his or her individual strengths and weaknesses. For more information, visit the English Department site: http://www.portnet.k12.ny.us/Page/1872 8th Tier II: delivered by a specialist (Reading or Speech/Language Teacher). At Weber, students are assigned ELA WORKSHOP during the day. It is not a pull-out class. It consists of small group instruction which are differentiated to meet the needs of the students in that group.
Who Are My Students? ELA Workshop is a mainstream class. All ELA Workshop classes are grouped by House and grade level: My students are: Blue 6 Red 7 Green 8 Yellow 6, Blue 8, Red 8 within some groups.
Will My Child Receive A Grade In ELA Workshop? Your child will not receive a letter grade in ELA Workshop. Your child will receive a progress comment on the mid-quarter progress report Your child will receive a Report To Parents at the end of each quarter. This will be brought home in an envelope for you to review, but not sign and return.
What Will Your Child Do In ELA Workshop Class? Receive support for core classroom reading and writing assignments, including research. Explore Study Skill techniques to identify which one/ones work for their learning style. Vocabulary: analyze word parts, improve vocabulary use in writing, identify Greek and Latin roots, understand affix meanings (prefix/suffix), and create an academic word list for personal use. Writing: identify techniques to write effectively: outline prewrite, personal word list, reference visuals, use study skills, and comprehension skills. Testing: There will be no formal classroom tests. Tests will consist of diagnostic testing to identify comprehension , vocabulary, and spelling strengths and weaknesses. This includes fluency reading, oral and silent reading passages, and comprehension checks. This will be done independently as “Reading Conferences” during class time with Mrs. McAuliffe throughout the year.
What Will Your Child Do In ELA Workshop Class? (continued) Research: I will support research projects with reinforcement of ELA Workshop skills. Reading: Your child needs reading material for my class. This can be an assigned novel, appropriate magazine, newspaper, graphic novel, or rereading of classroom text. Proficient readers understand that readers comprehend, visualize, know an author’s name they love, and understand their personal learning style. Everyone can do it! Independent Reading: I will support all core English class independent reading assignments. The first 10 minutes of class is Independent Reading time. Students must have reading material. Comprehension: establish reading goals, connect key concepts and ideas to a central idea, use THIEVES, RAFT (Ms. Imbriani’s students), improve fluency, master retention skills with graphic organizers, read and reread AND become an active reader…not a passive reader.
How Does The Brain Read Words? See more samples of how the brain reads words: http://www.portnet.org/Page/11238
Class Reading Skill Support Literature 6th 8th 7th Thesis Statement Example
How Do Middle Schoolers Feel About Reading And Writing? There is too much textbook or worksheet reading in class and at home. I can pick out important details without reading everything, why should I read everything? Reading isn’t fun, it’s hard work. I can’t remember what I read. Reading takes a lot of my time; it’s like more school when I’m at home. I don’t have a quiet place to read, so I don’t read. I can’t stay still long enough to pay attention to what I read. There are too many distractions for me: snacking, noise, and checking my phone—my friends text me a lot!
Class Procedures: The following requirements and procedures were explained in the student/parent/guardian letter that both students and their parent/guardian read and returned signed: Needed supplies Classroom expectations Lateness to class Extra Help dates 2 Homework assignments (no more): Label notebook in September and Quarterly Independent Reading. Mrs. McAuliffe’s webpage includes class lessons and references for all grade levels. Contact Mrs. McAuliffe: smcauliffe@portnet.org
Importance of Attendance “Good attendance includes good punctuality!” Missing ELA Workshop: Students may have a pass to report to Speech, Guidance, or a House Office at the start ELA Workshop class. Sectionals (music) attendance are permitted, but students need to stagger sectional attendance with another class. All work is completed in class; therefore, missed classwork will be completed in class, not assigned as homework. If your child shows a pattern of absences not related to illness, Speech, Guidance, sectionals, or House Office requests, I will be contacting you.
Please update your email address! EMAIL ADDRESSES: Weber is GREEN!!! Notices, Progress Reports & Report Cards will now be emailed. Please update your email address! If you prefer hard copy reports to be mailed please inform your child's house office.
THANK YOU! Mrs. Susan McAuliffe ELA Workshop Room 7 smcauliffe@portnet.org QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? A copy of this presentation can be found on Mrs. McAuliffe’s webpage: http://www.portnet.org/Page/2354