2017-2018 Mrs. Brasher 3rd Grade
About Me I grew up in Mt. Juliet, TN Attended MTSU This will be my 5th year teaching My third year in 3rd at JPE I have also taught 2nd grade I have married for two years I have one nephew, one niece and another niece on the way!
Our school is in session from 8:30-3:30 p.m. If your child is absent due to illness please send a written excuse the first day back. Tardiness affects your child’s day just as it affects your day at work when you are late. Please plan to have your child arrive at school before 8:30 a.m. (8:15 if eating breakfast) every day! Please make sure your child is in attendance for half days as well!
2:30-3:15 Science/Social Studies 8:30-8:50 Morning Meeting 8:50-9:50 Intervention 9:50-11:15 Reading 11:15-11:50 Lunch 12:00-12:20 Recess 12:20-1:45 Math 1:45-2:30 Special Area 2:30-3:15 Science/Social Studies 3:15-3:30 Dismissal
A school supply list went home on Open House night-this can also be located electronically on the MCS website.
Our system received a Federal Grant so that ALL students may receive a free breakfast and lunch daily. Snacks & Ice cream cost $0.60 – please do not send more than $1 with your child. Some children purchase multiple snacks daily & not eating their hot lunch. Making healthy choices is a life skill that needs to be taught. Our lunch time is at 11:15. Please let me know in advance if you plan to eat lunch with your child so the cafeteria can plan accordingly.
As the year progresses, you may notice that our classroom doesn’t run like other classrooms. We will be learning through Whole Brain Teaching, a research based system that utilizes all areas of the brain, keeps children engaged throughout their lessons, and helps them retain much more information than the standard lecture-discussion model. Research shows that children retain more information when they have an opportunity to put it into their own words and use gestures to emphasize key instructional units …plus, it’s amazingly fun! For more information about Whole Brain Teaching feel free to ask and/or go to www.WholeBrainTeaching.com.
Students will also have an agenda in their binder to keep track Students will be bringing home a binder each night. I will use this binder to send home graded papers and other information. Students will also have an agenda in their binder to keep track of assignments.
Behavior will be tracked on Class Dojo Behavior will be tracked on Class Dojo. Once you connect to our class, you will be able to see how your child is receiving points or losing points. On Fridays, students will participate in Dojo Store! They absolutely love getting to spend their points on different treats and coupons! PLEASE contact me with any questions/concerns as they arise (Dojo is best!) to ensure we are all working together to make this the BEST year ever for your child! Remember, I am here to work with you, not against you. We both want your child to have a wonderful 3rd grade experience! Please support decisions made at school as being in your child’s best interest. I’m happy to speak with you to discuss any concerns you may have throughout the year.
Students will receive grades in each subject throughout the year. Math: We will quiz math at the end of a lesson. Some are 4 day lessons and some are a little longer… there will not be a specific day for testing math. Reading: Grades will come from different activities throughout the week. Science/Social Studies: Grades will come from content passages and quizzes at the end of the lesson. (Usually on Friday!)
Students will have a fluency passage to read each night Students will have a fluency passage to read each night. They will usually have one other piece of homework (math, language, vocabulary) Once we start multiplication in math class, students will be expected to study their facts every night. To assist with this, I will be providing flash cards and a weekly fluency practice sheet. Students can also practice their multiplication facts online at www.IXL.com. To ensure child success, please always support homework sent home from school. PLEASE do not do this for them, and allow them to work through these problems before having the answer given to them.
Within our reading program we will teach grade level curriculum as well as differentiated material that will expand your child’s reading skills. Areas of emphasis include, but are not limited to: Literal comprehension Predicting Interpretive comprehension Persuading Vocabulary Summarizing Fluency Topic/Main Idea/Details Gathering Information Analyzing Nonfiction Story Elements Phonics Writing Novel reading Author’s mood and purpose
Please encourage your child to be reading at home each night.
Parts of speech Sentence structure Types of sentences Complete sentences Capitalization Punctuation Grammar Phonics Figurative Language Phonemic awareness Prefix/Suffix meanings Multiple Meaning Words Dictionary Skills
Your child will have many opportunities throughout the year to practice writing for different purposes. We will focus a great deal on sentence and paragraph structure. Students will be writing in numerous genres this year.
This year we are looking forward to learning our multiplication facts along with other math skills! Once we start multiplication, it is extremely important that students study their facts every night. We want every 3rd grader to master facts 1-12 before the end of the school year!
When I find out more information about upcoming field trips I will announce them on Dojo and send home any necessary forms.
Students may bring deodorant to keep at school Hygiene Third grade is an interesting year for development! Many students begin to develop body odor, especially after recess and P.E. Students may bring deodorant to keep at school Our school counselor has a great hygiene presentation that she does with the 3rd grade classes!
Flexible Seating Our class will use flexible seating throughout the year. Students are able to choose a comfortable place for them to work. We have a few different seating options (yellow table with stools, yoga mats, camp chair, bean bags, lap desks, small tables, yoga balls, and student desks) Students have done a great job so far! They know that misuse of materials will result in flexible seating privileges taken away.
Growth Mindset
We will go outside for recess as MUCH as possible and as long as it is not freezing outside. Please dress your child accordingly. Students may bring footballs, Frisbees, etc.
Please do NOT send cupcakes to class for your child’s birthday Please do NOT send cupcakes to class for your child’s birthday. You may buy ice cream for the class, or even send non-edible items such as pencils for the class if you would like your child to share something with the class for his/her birthday. We will make every child’s birthday special, so don’t feel like you need to send in anything! We have several major food allergies in our class this year, so any outside food will be sent back home.
Car Riders Car tags – Help us dismiss quickly, safely, and as efficiently as possible by using your child’s car tag. Let me know if you need an extra tag! Remain in your vehicle & pull your car forward as close as possible to the car in front of you. If everyone follows these guidelines, we can move the lines quickly! Siblings go to the youngest sib’s dismissal area so you will only have one pick-up lane to go through. Be sure your child’s teacher knows where to send them. Please be on time. We understand rare extenuating circumstances, but please make every effort to arrive on time. We often have meetings immediately after dismissal, & it makes us late for them if we are having to wait for a child to be picked up. 3rd grade will dismiss: Main Entrance – in front of the school
Parent Teacher communication is CRUCIAL Parent Teacher communication is CRUCIAL. I believe this radiates positivity to students when they see positive relations between school and home. With that being said, please sign up for Class Dojo. That way you can keep up with the happenings in 3rd grade!
Class DoJo I'm using ClassDojo to keep parents in the loop this year! I'll share photos from class, important updates and wonderful moments. This is a great tool for you to keep up with your student’s behavior in our classroom. Students will be rewarded with positive points for good behavior and will lose points for bad behavior. You will immediately know when your child has received or lost points and why.
Let’s create an amazing classroom community We’ll build a positive culture by encouraging skills like “Helping others” and “Perseverance”. We want all parents engaged in our classroom, seeing what we’re learning every day!
How we’ll use ClassDojo :) As a teacher, I will: Post important updates and announcements Share photos and videos of our classroom activities Students can also share their classwork on their own digital portfolio. Only their family will be able to view their work.
What do parents see? You’ll see the “Story” of our classroom: photos and videos of big moments, important updates, plus your child’s digital portfolio! You can also view a “report” of your child’s feedback for skills we are encouraging in class.
iOS, Android, Kindle Fire Let’s get connected! 3 easy steps 1. Download the app iOS, Android, Kindle Fire 2. Sign up as a parent 3. Enter your code!
Let’s try it out I’ll send you a message now! Go on… send one back :)
I’m always here to help if you need anything, as well as the ClassDojo team who can be reached at parents@classdojo.com
PTO You have a paper about PTO and the things that they will be doing this year. Our PTO is always looking for any volunteers who can help! If this is something that you are interested in.. Please see the yellow form for more information!
Tid Bits We are a peanut safe school. Please take this into consideration when packing a lunch. Your child may bring a water bottle (must have pop up cap) to keep on his/her desk (no flavored water). Please be sure to send any supplies still missing. We are also in need of color copy paper and composition notebooks. I am VERY adamant about healthy foods and snacks. If you are sending in lunches for your child please try to make them healthy as it is strongly correlated with academic performance.
Solar Eclipse We have some fun activities planned for our Solar Eclipse Day! We are asking students to wear black on Monday! We are also planning on having a special snack that day. (Moon pies and capri suns)