Women and Minorities in the 1920s
Minorities: Hispanics Thousands of Hispanic immigrants entered American cities 50,000 Puerto Ricans in New York alone (East Harlem) Created mutualistas (mutual aid societies) Helped immigrants get credit, housing, and health care
Created own communities, called barrios Had own businesses, churches, cultural organizations Created a sense of permanency Allowed immigrants to retain cultures and traditions Also reflected hostilities Discrimination, racism, segregation
Women in the 1920s
Amendment XIX (19) The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Northern, urban, single, young, middle-class women Many held steady jobs and were more economically independent Sales associates at department stores Switchboard operators Clerks, typists, filers Teachers, librarians Others attended colleges
Short hair in bobs, dresses and skirts above the knee Wore make-up and high heels Entered sports and danced Smokes and consumed alcohol in public Even during prohibition
Song of the Times (1925) Flappers are we Flappers are we Flappers and fly and free. Never too slow All on the go Petting parties with the smarties. Dizzy with dangerous glee Puritans knock us Because the way we're clad. Preachers all mock us Because we're not bad. Most flippant young flappers are we! From Tea for Two in the musical, No, No, Nanette, written by Vincent Youmas
What caused this change? Some possible explanations: Discontented women who were forced to leave the workforce after WWI rebelled against social norms Less men for women after WWI so women allowed to be single and casually date Women getting more political power with the 19th Amendment Able to voice opinions and have a say in their lives
Paying jobs and automobiles Women able to support selves, not rely on husband or father Could drive places to visit friends, go on outings More freedom, less restrictions Rebellion from super strict Victorian norms of the older generation Corsets, long gowns, long hair Chaperones, courtship
But not every woman was a flapper!
Homemaking was still a large part during the 1920s Women still expected to cook, clean, raise children and take care of household chores Inventions such as the washing machine, dryers, and frozen easy cook meals freed up time for many women Upper class women also enjoyed more leisure time by hiring a nanny
GQ#3: How did the role of women change in the 1920s and what caused this change?