------------- Sheilla A . ----- Alberto L . ----- Erica M . ------------
Nativism Red Scare Sacco & Vanzetti Rise of KKK contributed to Nativism. Led to “Birth of a Nation” movie
1920’s Common Culture SPORTS: Babe Ruth MOVIES: “Talkies”, Valentino, The Jazz Singer RADIOS, SPORTS and MOVIES brought together and entertained the country.
-- Speakeasies and Flappers -- 1920’s Common Culture -- Speakeasies and Flappers -- Flappers challenged the normal image of women in society and dressed more boldly than in the past.
Politics (Domestic & Foreign) Domestic: Isolationalism - “return to normalcy” laissez-faire Harding - Teapot Dome Scandal Foreign - Kellogg-Briand Pact effort and attempt to outlaw war
Economy in 1920’s Installment buying- payment over time with interest Unequal distribution of wealth Credit