KKK Tallahassee, 1956 State of FL Archives Pulaski, Tenn., on Dec. 24, 1865, six former Confederate army officers name from the Greek word kuklos ("circle"). secret organization aimed to suppress the power of blacks and other minorities. terror arm of the Democratic party in the South. white men from all classes of southern society disguised themselves, in robes and hoods intimidating and killing Tallahassee, 1956 State of FL Archives
KKK The Klan's goal : reestablish ‘white supremacy’ by overthrowing the Reconstruction governments. Outlawed during Reconstruction KKK was reborn in 1915 under the evangelistic direction of William J. Simmons, an Atlanta insurance salesman.
KKK Tampa, 1923 State of FL Archives reactivated Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s was responsible for some of the violence against African Americans and immigrants in both the S and N Membership was open to: native-born, white Protestant males 16 years of age + blacks, Roman Catholics, and Jews were excluded and were made targets of defamation and persecution by the Klan. Tampa, 1923 State of FL Archives
Modern KKK Brown v Board- May 17, 1954, that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, stirred the Klan into new attempts at recruitment and violence but did not bring internal unity or greatly increased membership After the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 it experienced a marked increase in membership, reaching an estimated 40,000 in 1965. A former grand wizard of the Klan, David Duke (1950- ), was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives in 1989 and ran unsuccessfully in the state's gubernatorial election in 1991.
Anti KKK rap white member of the Republican party (scalawag) You will be assigned a specific POV to rap (or poem or song) from white member of the Republican party (scalawag) with partner Carpetbagger must both have in NB African American during: Must be at least 4 stanzas with 5 lines each 3 . KKK Act incorporate at least 4 new facts you learned about the KKK 4. 1920s immigration 1960s Civil Rights must be APPROPRIATE (no offensive slang) Today get into the emotions, why does this person feel this way? 7. Harriet Beecher Stowe 8. Frederick Douglass extra credit- turn in a ‘music video’ on Mon 5/22 Ulysses S Grant - more well done and creative- the more the extra credit Martin Luther King Rodney King