Introduction: Of Mice and Men KHS/ 2016 English II Mr. Christopher Brown, M.Ed.
During WWI (1914-1918) Europe was cut off from Russian grain. U.S. Government encouraged farmers to increase grain production for $2/ bushel. (Double the 1910 price)
During WWI (1914-1918) More people moved to the Great Plains to claim land. Farm inventions helped with the work load: tractors, cultivators, and combines.
During WWI (1914-1918) Wheat production tripled after the war. Prices plunged and production was forced to increase in order to make money.
After WWI (1920’s) (The Roaring 20’s) “Prosperity” Decade- get rich and buy new inventions. It was a self centered attitude.
After WWI (1920’s) (The Roaring 20’s) Due to the Jazz Age. There was a shocking change in women: short skirts, wore makeup, drank alcohol and smoked (flappers).
After WWI (1920’s) (The Roaring 20’s) “Credit” was created … buy now, pay later.
After WWI (1920’s) (The Roaring 20’s) Rich businesses made lots of money, but little trickle down to the working class.
After WWI (1920’s) (The Roaring 20’s) Farmers were already in a “depression”- 25% of the farmers were unemployed with lots of debt.
Stock Market Crash (October 29, 1929) Worst and longest economic collapse NOT the cause of the Great Depression; the Prosperity Decade contributed. Crop prices fell 50% from 1929-1932. Less 40 cents a bushel.
The Great Depression (1929-1940’s) Few died from starvation; they ate garbage, weeds. Unemployment was 25%- over 15 million people. Banks had no money because people had no money to repay loans. People panicked and then stormed banks demanding their money. By March 1933, 5000 banks had failed and closed.
The Great Depression (1929-1940’s) Homes and farms were foreclosed on. It was emotionally humiliating (especially for men) to ask for help. More women went to work.
The Great Depression (1929-1940’s) Minorities did not have such a difficult adjustment- they were already living in poverty. But- it became more damaging: last hired, first fired. Blacks lost their jobs and they were given to whites.
The Dustbowl (1930’s) Drought (1931-1937) spread across the Great Plains. Semi-arid climate with of rain, loss of natural grass. The constant wind swept loose top soil, eroding the dirt into dust clouds. Known as the “Black Blizzards”
The Dustbowl (1930’s) Affected states: Kansas North Texas, Western Oklahoma, Northeastern New Mexico, Eastern Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota. One acre= 43, 560 square feet One ton= 2,000 pounds January 21, 1932- 10,000 foot cloud of dust. Of the 16 million acres in Oklahoma, 13 million were eroded.
The Dustbowl (1930’s) 900 miles wide and 1500 miles long (drive to Dallas and back twice!) It carried “3 tons of dust for every American.” 6000 tons of dirt dropped on Chicago. 2 days later… 1800 miles wide Dust particles penetrate lungs and jeopardize lives with “dust pneumonia”
The Dustbowl (1930’s) March/ April 1935 4.7 tons of dust per acre in Kansas. The wind blew 40 miles per hour for 100 hours straight
Go West Young Man Harsh living conditions of the great plains caused people to flee. Poor Farmers were evicted from their homes/land and fled to California. The people were commonly called Okies, even though only a few came from Oklahoma. Migrant workers went to city, ranch to ranch- anywhere to find work.
About Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men (1937) maintains this focus on the migrant worker, here portraying his elusive dream of owning his own land. This is the same dream shared and lost by so many of the Depression era.
Migrant Workers As a young man, Steinbeck learned about migrant laborers, usually unmarried men recruited to work during harvest seasons, from his own experience as a worker on company-owned ranches.
About Of Mice and Men George and Lennie are two migrant agricultural workers on a California ranch who share a dream of owning their own farm someday. Of Mice and Men tells the story of two simple men who try to escape homelessness, economic poverty, and emotional and psychological corruption.