About ‘ About.com’ on resumés Using your on-site reading to make a really effective resumé
Use the article you have been asked to read as a tool. The Questionnaire The Skills List Transferable Skill Clusters Chart Skill Chart
3 Suggested Steps to Effective Resumés 1. Decide what to write. 2. Use effective language. 3. Organize your information in written form.
Step 1 - Decide what to write. Fill out your questionnaire. Write so other people can understand you. Try to recall as much as possible what you did during the course, the job or the internship that you are describing. What activities were you proud of? What skill have you gained?
Step 2 - Use effective language. Begin sentences with verbs. Use the Skills List in the ‘ about.com ’ site. Use key words Take key words from job ads
Step 2 - Use effective language. Be selective about the information you are including. Prioritize your information according to the job you are looking for. Quantify as much information as you can.
Step 2 - Use effective language. Use the transferable skill clusters as suggestions for making your information more precise.
Step 3 - Putting your resumé together Identification Objective Use the right term Summary Statement Skills-based or chronological organization Education Use only useful information
Step 3 - Putting your resumé together Identifying skills using the Skills Chart Describing your skills Fine-tuning your resumé Irrelevant information Spelling Concision