Project title: keep it simple and short if possible Your name, colleague’s names (alphabetical), Faculty Mentor, PhD The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249 This is just a template- customize your poster to best display your work and hard effort! WORK OR WORKS CREATED CONCEPTUALIZATION The who, what, where, and why. Explaination of what you created. For poster presentation effectiveness, getting to your point with the least amount of words is usually recommended. example PURPOSE For poster presentation effectiveness, getting to your point with the least amount of words is usually recommended. Purpose, Objective, Aim, Goal. What are you doing? Very short. 1 to 2 sentences. Figure #2 METHODS USED (or concl.) Described for non-experts to understand as well as satisfying experts in your field. SUMMARY Larger font, major points, easy to see and digest for audience members. Use bullet points to stress individual thoughts. Use concise wording. “Say more with less”. Some people read only this. Tie your creation back to real world problem brought up in introduction. In other words, what have you added to the knowledge or creative base in your academic discipline. Are there any follow-up studies or work that you think are needed on this topic and what would they be? example Figure #1 UTSA Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Showcase